



生效日期:2021 年 12 月 1日


McAfee, LLC 及其附屬機構 (以下稱「McAfee」、「我們」、「我方」「我們的」) 極為重視隱私權、安全性和線上安全,這些均是我們基本任務中不可或缺的部分;而我們的基本任務是保護我們產品和服務的使用者 (以下稱「您」和「您的」),使其線上資訊和活動免受盜竊、破壞和未經授權存取的風險。 本隱私權聲明 (以下稱「聲明」) 旨在告知您我們如何透過我們的網站 (以下稱「網站」)、產品、服務以及網路和行動應用程式 (統稱為「服務」) 或當您與我們互動時,收集、使用和共用您的個人資料。

McAfee 會直接向消費者銷售產品與服務 (請參閱「消費者產品」,以瞭解關於這些產品的更多資訊)。 本隱私權聲明適用於下列情況:當您下載我們的任一服務時,我們從您或您的裝置上收集的資訊;當我們的任一分銷合作夥伴在您的裝置上安裝我們的服務時,我們所收集的資訊。

當您存取或使用我們的服務時,即表示您確認您已閱讀本聲明並瞭解其內容。 您對我們服務和網站的使用以及對隱私權的任何爭議均受本聲明、任何適用的服務條款 (包括任何適用的損害賠償限制和爭議解決) 以及任何適用的「終端使用者授權合約」的約束。

隨著 McAfee 的發展,我們的業務也在發生變更,因此我們可能會在我們認為適當的時候更新本聲明,以反映這些變更。 如果本隱私權聲明有任何重大變更,我們將透過電子郵件、產品內通知或適用法律規定的其他方式通知您。 請務必返回檢查,並確認您已檢閱本聲明的最新版本。

本聲明適用於全球所有的服務使用者。 部分使用者 (包括歐洲經濟區居民) 可能享有本聲明中所述的其他權利,具體視其所在位置而定。


為提供服務,我們需要收集相關資訊。 有些資訊是您直接提供給我們,有些是我們透過服務自動收集,另一些則是從第三方收集。 在本聲明中,「個人資料」係指單獨使用或與其他資料結合使用即可識別您身分的資料。

我們收集您提供給我們的資訊。 例如,當您購買產品或服務、建立帳戶、填寫表格、參加競賽或促銷活動、請求客戶服務或以其他方式與我們通訊時,我們即會收集相關資訊。


  • 聯絡資訊 (如姓名、電子郵件地址、郵寄地址和電話號碼);
  • 付款資訊 (包括支付卡號和相關的識別碼、帳單地址和銀行帳戶資訊);以及
  • 帳戶登入認證 (某些服務可能包括社交網路認證)。

我們也可能向您收集其他資訊或收集其他有關您的資訊,例如您購買的產品、您的興趣、人口統計資訊、照片和影片,以及生物識別資料 (如指紋或聲紋) 等方面的資訊。 您也可能會向我們提供其他資料。 例如,當您使用我們的身分監視服務時,您可選擇提供您的社交媒體登入資訊,以便我們監視您的社交媒體帳戶。

我們會自動收集有關您與服務以及安裝服務所在裝置互動的資訊。 在某些情況下,我們會自動收集與安裝服務所在裝置連線至同一網路的其他裝置的相關資訊。


  • 有關您查看或搜尋的產品以及您使用的服務的資訊,包括花費的時間和其他統計資訊。
  • 關於您的電腦、裝置、應用程式和網路的詳細資料,包括網際網路通訊協定 (IP) 位址、Cookie 識別碼、行動營運商、藍牙裝置 ID、行動裝置 ID、行動廣告識別碼、MAC 位址、IMEI、廣告客戶 ID,以及您存取網際網路時自動指派給您電腦或裝置的其他裝置識別碼、瀏覽器類型和語言、語言偏好設定、電池電量、開/關狀態、地理位置資訊、硬體類型、作業系統、網際網路服務供應商、您在使用服務前後所造訪的頁面、您造訪的日期和時間、您在每個頁面上花費的時間、您點選的連結和在服務中查看的頁面的相關資訊,以及透過使用服務所採取的其他行動 (如偏好設定)。 我們可能透過服務或其他網路分析方法收集此類資訊。
  • 當您使用我們的產品保護您的行動裝置時,我們會收集已安裝該產品的裝置的地理位置資料。
  • 關於您的網際網路、應用程式或網路使用情況的詳細資料 (包括您造訪過的網站 URL 或網域名稱、關於您裝置上安裝的應用程式的資訊,或流量資料);以及效能資訊、當機記錄和其他彙總或統計資訊。

為向您提供服務,包括偵測與評估惡意軟體和垃圾郵件,我們可能會從您的檔案中掃描、收集和儲存資料,包括電子郵件、附件、電子郵件地址、中繼資料、URL 和流量資料。

我們會透過服務以及 Cookie、網路信標或網頁錯誤及透明 GIF 等技術收集此類資訊。 請參閱我們的 Cookie 聲明,深入瞭解 Cookie、我們使用的其他類似技術以及可供您選擇的選項等資訊。

請注意,如果您使用我們的 VPN 服務,我們的 VPN 伺服器不會查看或記錄您在網際網路上傳送或接收的任何資訊。

我們可能會從其他管道接收您的相關資訊,並將該類資訊與我們直接收集的資訊相結合。 我們可能從其他管道接收的資訊示例包括:用於更正記錄的更新交付或付款資訊、購買或贖回資訊,以及客戶支援和註冊資訊。 對於我們的身分保護消費者產品,我們還可能收集信用或身分資訊,用於協助防止和偵測詐欺行為。

某些服務可能會要求取得存取您位置的權限。 如果您授予此權限,我們將會使用 GPS、無線或藍牙技術收集有關您所在位置的資訊。 您可以透過行動裝置設定來控制該類服務對精確位置資訊的存取權限。 我們也可能查看您的 IP 位址以確定您的大概位置。


當您安裝或使用我們的任一項服務時,服務即會在您的裝置或環境背景下執行,以協助預測威脅並為您、您的裝置和資訊提供更完善的保護。 例如,McAfee 可能出於以下目的使用所收集的資訊:

  • 分析傳送至您裝置或自您裝置傳送的資料,以隔離和識別威脅、漏洞、病毒、可疑活動、垃圾郵件和攻擊,以及告知您存在潛在的威脅;
  • 加入威脅情報網路、展開研究,以及調整產品和服務,以協助應對新的威脅;
  • 加密您的資料、鎖定裝置,或是備份或恢復您的資料;
  • 檢查服務更新並建立有關我們服務的效能報告,以確保服務正常運作;以及
  • 當您使用我們的身分監視產品時,尋找資料是否存在濫用情況。


  • 使用生物識別資料鑑定您的身分並防止詐欺;
  • 分析您的行為,以衡量、自訂和改善我們的網站和服務,包括開發新產品和服務;
  • 宣傳我們認為您可能感興趣的 McAfee 產品和服務;
  • 建立和管理帳戶及授權,方式包括收集和處理付款並完成交易;
  • 提供客戶支援、排解疑難問題、管理訂閱及回應請求、問題和意見;
  • 宣傳特殊活動、計劃、調查、競賽、抽獎及其他優惠和促銷,並管理對這些活動的參與;
  • 進行市場和消費者研究以及趨勢分析;
  • 對在我們的部落格、論壇和其他公開通訊工具中張貼文章提供支援;
  • 進行會計、稽核、計費、對帳和收款活動;
  • 預防、偵測、辨識、調查及回應潛在或實際的索賠、責任、禁止的行為和犯罪活動;以及
  • 遵守並強制履行法律權利、要求、合約和政策。
  • Cookie 用於記錄您與我們網站的互動。


我們會與第三方廣告公司合作,在您造訪我們的網站或使用某些服務時向您展示或投放廣告。 這些第三方廣告商可能會收集您與網站、服務或是其他網站或服務的互動資料,以衡量其廣告的有效性並提供個人化的廣告內容。 請參閱我們的 Cookie 聲明,深入瞭解 McAfee 和這些廣告合作夥伴如何使用 Cookie 等追蹤技術以及可供您選擇的選項。

如果您已同意允許服務存取您的位置,我們的行動廣告合作夥伴可能會使用您的位置資訊來向您投放廣告。 您可以使用裝置上的位置設定來撤銷服務對您位置資訊的存取權限



一般而言,我們會根據法律要求或徵得您的同意後揭露我們收集的資訊,以提供服務、與您通訊、宣傳或推廣我們的服務,以及促進我們業務的變更或轉讓。 我們可能會以下列方式共用個人資訊:

  • 與 McAfee 集團公司的現有和未來成員共用資訊,且僅將資訊用於本聲明中說明的用途;
  • 與為我們履行服務的服務供應商共用資訊 (對於消費者產品,請參閱次級處理者清單;如果適用法律有所規定,我們可應要求共用資訊)
  • 如果我們認為對預防實體、財務或其他傷害、損害或損失實屬必要且適宜 (包括防範詐欺或信用風險),即會共用資訊;
  • 根據當局和適用法律的指示或要求,需與法律、政府或司法機關共用資訊,或涉及法律活動 (如回應可疑的違法或非法活動的傳票或調查,或我們真誠相信使用者可能參與違法或非法活動,或我們受合約或法律約束,需使客戶或業務合作夥伴遵守適用法律) 時需共用資訊;
  • 與收購、合併、資產出售或其他類似業務轉移有關,或在前述事項的談判期間,且該類業務轉移涉及我們所有或絕大部分的資產或功能,而其中個人資料會作為企業資產的一部分進行轉移或共用 (前提是該方同意以與本聲明一致的方式使用或揭露此類個人資料,或徵得您的同意可將此類資料用於其他用途或進行其他揭露) 時即會共用資訊;
  • 徵得您的同意或在您的指示下,如您選擇共用資訊或公開發佈內容和評論 (例如社群媒體貼文) 時即會共用資訊;以及
  • 如果您訂閱的產品允許使用該功能,則根據您自行決定,與您選擇的人員共用資訊。
  • 我們也可能與第三方共用不會識別您身分或任何特定裝置的彙總資料。


我們採用管理、組織、技術和物理安全措施來保護我們收集和處理的個人資料。 我們的安全控制措施旨在維持資料的機密性、完整性和適當的可用性層級。


McAfee 帳戶
若您已註冊 McAfee 消費者產品,則可透過造訪 我的帳戶或依下述說明與我們聯絡,以隨時存取並更正您設定檔中的個人資料。

若您尚未註冊 McAfee 產品,但已在裝置上安裝了我們的某款產品,您可以解除安裝該產品,以阻止 McAfee 從您的裝置上收集您的個人資料。

若要關閉您的帳戶,或有其他支援問題,請造訪 McAfee 聯絡我們頁面,並按一下「支援」分頁,然後選擇您所在的「國家/地區」。


若您選擇不再接收行銷資訊,McAfee 可能仍會就交易、法律或管理主題 (如安全更新、產品功能和服務請求) 與您聯絡。

根據適用法律,您可能有權:(i) 請求確認我們是否正在處理您的個人資料;(ii) 獲得對您個人資料的存取權或個人資料副本;(iii) 接收您的個人資料的可攜式副本,或要求我們將該類資訊傳送給另一個組織 (以下稱「資料可攜權」);(iv) 尋求對不正確、不真實、不完整或不當處理的個人資料進行更正或修正;(v) 限制我們處理您的個人資料;(vi) 反對我們處理您的個人資料;以及 (vii) 在法律規定的某些例外情況下,請求刪除我們保留的關於您的個人資料。

若要行使其中任何一項權利,請造訪我們的「個人資料申請表」(https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-support/policy/legal/gdpr-data-request.html),或透過下述方式與我們聯絡。 我們將依據適用法律處理此類請求。 為了保護您的隱私權,我們可能會先採取相關步驟驗證您的身分,然後再滿足您的請求。 對於某些請求,我們可能會在法律允許的範圍內收取管理費用。 我們將在執行您的請求之前,告知您可能產生的任何相關費用。

McAfee 會將其收集的個人資料存留多長時間?

McAfee 會在本聲明所述目的所需的最短期限內存留您的個人資料,即 (i) 只要您是我們產品的註冊訂閱者或使用者;或 (ii) 只要您的個人資料對於本聲明中所述的合法目的而言為必要條件,且我們擁有有效的法律依據;或 (iii) 在與提供服務有關之商業目的的合理必要範圍內,例如內部報告和對帳目的、保證或向您提供您可能請求的意見回應或資訊。 若有法律規定,我們將會在您與本服務最後一次互動後三年內刪除您的生物識別資料。


上述期限 (在適用範圍內) 結束後,我們將永久刪除、銷毀相關個人資訊或對其進行去識別化處理,以使其不再與您合理地綁定。


McAfee 的某些服務提供安全功能,可供家長監控子女的線上活動、實際位置或對註冊裝置的使用情況。 使用這些服務需取得家長同意,且我們不會故意將從兒童裝置上收集的個人資料用於除提供服務之外的任何其他目的。 這些產品允許家長隨時刪除其子女的個人設定檔。 如果您認為我們錯誤收集了您子女的資訊,或對我們關於兒童使用者的做法有疑問或疑慮,請透過以下方式與我們聯絡。 如果您未滿 18 歲,則必須先取得家長的許可才能存取服務。 McAfee 敦促家長指示子女在沒有家長許可的情況下,絕不可提供真實姓名、地址或電話號碼。 如果您發現您的子女在未經您同意的情況下向我們提供了個人資料,您可透過以下方式與我們聯絡,告知我們此類情況。 如果我們得知我們收集了 13 歲以下 (在某些司法管轄區為 16 歲以下) 兒童的任何個人資料,我們將立即採取相關措施,以刪除此類資訊並終止相關兒童的帳戶。

McAfee 總部位於美國 (請查看「聯絡我們」取得我們的詳細地址),而我們在美國和世界各地均擁有營運業務、實體和服務供應商。 因此,我們和我們的服務供應商可能會將您的個人資料傳輸至可能無法與您本國的管轄區提供相同資料保護等級的司法管轄區,或於該類地區儲存或存取您的個人資料。 我們將採取措施,確保您的個人資料在我們處理資料時所處的司法管轄區內獲得充分保護。


若您身處歐洲經濟區 (EEA),則適用以下額外的揭露規定。

若您購買任一款 McAfee 消費者產品,McAfee Ireland Limited 即為您個人資料的控制者。


  • 我們需使用您的個人資料來履行我們與您簽訂的合約中所規定的責任 (例如,針對您購買或請求的服務處理付款和提供服務)。
  • 在處理您的個人資料時,我們擁有合法權益。 例如,我們擁有合法權益與您溝通有關服務的變更、通知您有關新服務或產品的資訊,以及處理您的個人資料以提供、保護和改善我們的服務。
  • 您同意我們處理您的個人資料。
  • 我們需要處理您的個人資料以履行我們的法律義務。


您可以使用上文「您對您的個人資料擁有哪些選擇?」中所述的機制提交對個人資料行使相關權利的請求。 若您最初同意我們處理您的個人資料,則可使用這些機制或透過以下聯絡資訊與我們聯絡,以撤銷您的同意。


若您是歐盟/歐洲經濟區資料主體,且擔心我方無法妥善處理您的個人資料,您有權向您居住或工作地點的資料保護機構或涉嫌侵權行為發生地的資料保護機構投訴 (如適用),或聯絡愛爾蘭監管機構提出資料保護問題 (造訪 https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/Home/4.htm,或致電 +353 57 868 4800)。


若您是日本、阿根廷或加拿大居民,並對 McAfee 持有的個人資訊 (包括透過使用我們的產品所收集的個人資訊) 存有疑問,則可使用以下網站提供的「個人資料申請表」請求更多資訊:https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-support/policy/legal/gdpr-data-request.html


您在加州的隱私權利 -《反客戶資訊揭露法》(Shine the Light Law)

未經您的允許,McAfee 不會與非附屬第三方共用可識別您身分的資訊以實現其行銷目的。

《加州消費者隱私權法案》(California Consumer Privacy Act)

若您是加州居民,可以使用「個人資料申請表」(https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-support/policy/legal/gdpr-data-request.html) 提出申請以行使您對個人資料的相關權利。根據《加州消費者隱私權法案》,McAfee 不會「出售」您的個人資料。


McAfee 不會向非附屬第三方出售可識別您個人身分的資訊。 若您希望我們日後不再出售與您有關的可識別資訊,則可使用以下聯絡資訊提出請求。


我們的網站和服務可能含有指向其他網站的連結,方便您使用或供您參考。 這些網站可能由非 McAfee 附屬公司營運。 所連結的網站可能有其自己的隱私權政策或聲明,如果您要造訪其中任一網站,我們強烈建議您檢閱這些隱私權政策或聲明。 我們對於任何不隸屬於 McAfee 之網站的內容、隱私權做法或使用情況概不負責。


如對本隱私權聲明有任何疑問或有其他相關隱私權問題,按一下此處即可聯絡我們。 您也可以寫信給我們,郵寄資訊如下:

Attn: Legal Department – Privacy Office
6220 America Center Drive San Jose, CA 95002 USA

或來電聯絡我們:+1 (888) 847-8766

Attn: Legal Department
2000 City Gate
T12 RRC9

或致電我們:+353 21 467 2000

McAfee Co. Ltd.
Attn. Legal Department
Shibuya Mark City West,
Dougenzaka 1-12-1,
Tokyo, 150-0043 Japan

Attn: Chief Privacy Officer, copy to the Legal Department – Privacy Office
McAfee Korea Limited
5F. Gangnam Finance Center
152, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Korea 06236

Cookie 聲明

生效日期:2018 年 5 月 24 日

我們的網站和行動應用程式 (以下統稱「服務」) 使用 Cookie 和類似技術,為您提供個人化的資訊、記住您的行銷和產品喜好設定,並協助您獲得正確的資訊,以確保為我們的為訪客提供最好的體驗。 本聲明將說明 McAfee、其附屬機構和合作夥伴如何使用 Cookie 和類似技術達成這些目的。

McAfee 及其合作夥伴使用哪些技術?

如同許多服務,我們和合作夥伴會使用 Cookie 和類似技術來執行工作,如提供和改善您的體驗以及客製化廣告等。 我們和合作夥伴所使用的 Cookie 和類似技術包括以下各項:

  • Cookie。 Cookie 是小型檔案,通常由字母和數字組成,當您造訪網站時便會存放在您的瀏覽器或裝置上。 Cookie 廣泛用於協助促進網站運作、提高網站工作效率,並提供分析資訊

  •  SDK。 SDK 是由我們合作夥伴所提供的代碼區塊,可能會安裝在我們的行動應用程式中。 SDK 可協助我們瞭解您如何與我們的行動應用程式互動,並會收集某些有關您用於存取應用程式或裝置上安裝之其他應用程式的裝置和網路資訊。 SDK 通常會與合作夥伴共用指定給裝置的行動廣告識別碼 (在 Apple 裝置上稱為「IDFA」或「廣告 ID」,在 Android 裝置上稱為「廣告 ID」)。

  • Flash Cookie。 Flash Cookie 是一個小型資料檔案,會放置在使用 Adobe Flash 或類似技術的電腦上,它們可能內建在電腦中或由您下載或安裝至電腦。 我們使用這些技術來個人化和提升您的線上體驗、促進流程,以及個人化和儲存您的設定。 例如,Flash Cookie 可以協助我們的網站訪客設定與影片體驗相關的音量喜好設定、玩遊戲和執行問卷調查。 這些技術有助於我們衡量訪客最感興趣的領域,進而改善網站體驗。 按一下此處 以瞭解如何管理 Flash Cookie 的隱私權和儲存設定。

  • Web 指標。 Web 指標是一個非常小的透明圖片檔案,用於追蹤您在單一網站或一系列網站上的瀏覽情況。 Web 指標也可稱為「網路臭蟲」或「透明 Gif」,可與 Cookie 一起使用,以瞭解網站使用者如何瀏覽網站。

  • 本機儲存。 本機儲存包括 HTML5 本機儲存和瀏覽器快取。 我們可使用這些技術在您的瀏覽器或裝置上本機儲存資料。

McAfee 及其合作夥伴和服務供應商會使用不同類型的 Cookie,如下所示:

就 Cookie 和類似技術而言,我有何選擇?

就 Cookie 和類似技術的使用而言,您有多種選擇:

  • 您可以使用瀏覽器的設定來決定是否接受 Cookie。 您也可以從瀏覽器中移除 Cookie。 如需更多有關如何管理瀏覽器 Cookie 的資訊,請遵循瀏覽器提供的說明進行操作。 請注意,如果您封鎖所有 Cookie,則可能會影響我們網站的功能。

  • 與我們合作的廣告技術合作夥伴可能會為您提供選項,以選擇不使用有關您造訪網站和使用應用程式的資訊來發送符合您興趣的廣告。 您可造訪下列網站,詳細瞭解基於興趣的廣告,以及如何選擇不使用您的網頁瀏覽活動來發送符合您興趣的廣告: 數位廣告聯盟 (Digital Advertising Alliance)、 網路廣告促進協會 (Network Advertising Initiative) 和 歐洲互動廣告局 (Interactive Advertising Bureau,IAB)。.

  • 您可以透過裝置設定 (在 iOS 裝置上稱為「限制廣告追蹤」(Limit Ad Tracking),在 Android 裝置上則稱為「選擇退出基於興趣的廣告」(Opt Out of Interest-Based Advertising) 或「選擇退出廣告個人化」(Opt Out of Ads Personalization),選擇不使用有關您行動應用程式使用情況的資訊來發送符合您興趣的廣告。

  • 某些 McAfee 產品為免費提供的產品。 為免費提供這些產品,我們可能會使用您造訪的網站或您使用的行動應用程式等資訊,以便向您展示符合您興趣的廣告。 我們會與選定的合作夥伴共用有關您裝置的資訊來達成此目的,例如您的裝置和廣告識別碼,以及網頁瀏覽活動或應用程式使用情況。 本資訊不會識別您的個人身分,且我們也會以合約方式禁止合作夥伴使用我們提供的資訊來嘗試識別使用者的身分。 您可以在包含此資料共用功能的產品設定中選擇不使用您的資訊達成此目的。 請按一下 此處.

  • 最後,我們參與 Facebook 行動廣告聯播網 (Facebook Audience Network)。Facebook 行動廣告聯播網為公司提供一種方式,可在同屬網路一部分的應用程式和網站上向 Facebook 使用者展示其廣告。 Facebook 會協助訂製廣告,使其具有相關性和實用性。 您可以使用 Facebook 的廣告喜好設定工具來檢視和變更我們網站和應用程式上的喜好設定,包括是否接收這些訂製的廣告。

McAfee 如何回應「不要追蹤」訊號?

目前行業內並沒有就回應「不要追蹤」訊號的作法達成一致意見。 當前,McAfee 服務和網站並不會回應使用者的「不要追蹤」訊號。


如果您對我們如何使用 Cookie 和類似技術有任何疑問,您可以使用以下資訊與我們連絡。 請提供您的連絡資訊以及相關疑慮的詳細說明。

在美國,請撥打 +1 866 622 3911 與我們連絡,或寫信至:

Attn: Legal Department – Privacy Office 
5000 Headquarters Drive
Plano, TX 75024

在歐洲經濟區內,請撥打 +353 21 467 2000 與我們連絡,或寫信至:

McAfee, Legal Department
2000 City Gate
T12 RRC9

您有權隨時向資料保護委員會 (愛爾蘭資料保護問題監督機構) 提出投訴,其網址為: https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/Home/4.htm,連絡電話為: +353 57 868 4800。

在日本境內,請撥打 +81 0570 010 220 與我們連絡,或寫信至:

Personal Data Protection Manager
McAfee Co. Ltd. 
Shibuya Mark City West, 
Dougenzaka 1-12-1, 
Tokyo, 150-0043
電話:(交換機) 03-5428-1100

McAfee 授權合約

歡迎使用 McAfee

在您開始使用之前,請快速瞭解一下我們的相關條款。這些條款用於解釋您在使用我們的軟體和服務時所享有的法律權利和應負的責任。 這些資訊非常重要,請您務必仔細閱讀這些條款及其中包含的所有連結,因為它們將構成您與我們訂立的合約


1. 若某一字詞為粗體格式,則該字詞在本文件中每次使用時一律代表相同含義。

2. 若您點選接受按鈕、安裝或使用軟體和服務 (無論由我們還是我們的任一合作夥伴提供),即表示您同意本條款。若您不同意或不遵守軟體和服務的相關規定,則無法使用軟體和服務。

3. 當我們提到……McAfee我們我們的我方,代表在您所在區域提供軟體和服務的 McAfee 實體。

4. 當我們提到……您的,代表您或您經授權代表之企業或公司。

5. 若您居住在美國境內,請務必瞭解我們的約束性仲裁條款和集體訴訟棄權規定,當中概述了我們有關爭議解決方式的一些關鍵要點。



我可以如何使用 McAfee 的軟體和服務?





  • 您持續支付任何適用的訂閱費用,或在訂閱結束前持續支付相關費用
  • 在您購買時所選擇的時限內使用授權;若您未選擇訂閱期間,則時限為一年。
  • 就您購買時所選擇的裝置數量和使用者人數使用授權。若您未作選擇,則只能在一部裝置上使用授權,且使用者僅限一位。
  • 若您的裝置和作業系統符合我們的要求。 您應自行確保您的裝置處於最新狀態且符合這些要求(讓裝置保持在最新狀態也是不錯的安全措施)。





我們有時會免費提供軟體和服務,例如透過付費訂閱取得的額外功能、預先發佈的測試版軟體,或是可能還在實驗階段的便民服務。 除非我們另行規定,否則本合約中的條款適用於免費軟體和便民服務。 由於可能有相關限制,我們會在為您提供免費軟體或便民服務時,告知您有哪些限制。您可以按照我們為您提供免費軟體和便民服務的具體期限來使用這類軟體和服務。



McAfee 的軟體和服務不可用於哪些用途?

我們身為軟體和服務擁有人或授權人的權利皆受法律保護。這表示若您採取某些動作 (如以下範例所述),我們很有可能會取消您的訂閱,並可能強制採取進一步行動。 您不會希望發生這種情形的。範例如下:請勿……

  • 試圖找出原始碼,包括對軟體或服務進行逆向工程或反向組譯;
  • 對軟體或服務做出任何修改;
  • 將軟體或服務用於商業用途,包括販售、出借或出租;
  • 使用盜版軟體或服務;
  • 基於軟體或服務打造任何產品/服務;
  • 將軟體或服務轉讓給其他任何人,包括進行再授權或指派;
  • 使用軟體或服務做出任何非法行為;
  • 發佈或製作軟體副本 (非備份);
  • 干涉其他任何人使用軟體或服務;
  • 試圖規避軟體和服務中的任何技術性保護措施;
  • 超出任何適用的內容儲存空間限制或頻寬限制;
  • 在未經對方同意的情況下,使用多使用者產品追蹤及監視其他任何人;
  • 在超出獲准數量的裝置上安裝軟體或服務 (包括在您販賣或轉讓裝置擁有權之前未從裝置刪除軟體或服務的情況);或
  • 在您的軟體或服務使用權過期或終止後,繼續使用軟體或服務。


若軟體和服務符合技術支援資格,您將在付費訂閱期間享有標準支援產品/服務。 請檢查您購買軟體或服務時的收據,以便確定所購買的商品是否符合資格。我們的標準支援產品/服務、政策和程序可能會不定時變更,並可能因各個國家/地區而異。

McAfee 的軟體和服務更新如何運作?

我們會定期為軟體和服務進行升級、強化和修改 (更新)。 一旦有可用更新,我們便可能停止支援先前版本的軟體或服務。為確保您能使用我們開發的新功能,您同意我們可在您執行其他任務的同時,在背景安裝更新。我們也可能為免費軟體和便民服務提供更新,但這並非強制性義務。

若 McAfee 停止提供軟體、服務或功能,會怎麼樣?

我們可能會不時停止提供或移除特定軟體、服務或軟體/服務中的特定功能。當我們停止提供軟體、服務或功能,使您無法再購買、下載或續訂時,這類軟體、服務或功能即會停售,且您無法在停售日期之後續訂您的訂閱方案。 對此我們深感抱歉,但我們有時必須停止支援舊版產品,才能打造出更優質的新產品。若有超出我們控制範圍的第三方平台和軟體提出要求,我們也必須按要求變更軟體和服務的功能。


若您從 McAfee 而非透過第三方購買軟體,則您與我們分享您的付款資訊 (信用卡、簽帳金融卡或其他付款方式) 時,即表示您授權我們 (或我們的授權合作夥伴) 向您的付款方式收取初次購買費用,以及任何續訂費用。


若您的任何付款詳細資料 (例如卡號或到期日) 有所變動,請盡快告知我們,以便我們在續訂日期臨近時繼續提供軟體和服務。

我們有時可能會收到來自您的發卡機構或卡片服務系統的信用卡或簽帳金融卡更新資訊,我們會使用這類資訊自動更新您的付款詳細資料。我們也可能會在付款失敗後重試 (包括延長到期日以對扣款失敗的卡片重新扣款),以完成交易。您同意我們使用更新後的詳細資料向您的付款方式收款。


若您從 McAfee 而非透過第三方購買軟體,您的付費訂閱將在訂閱期結束時自動續訂,除非您決定不註冊或選擇取消自動續訂。我們會事先寄出電子郵件,告知您的訂閱即將到期並可供續訂,且我們將在訂閱到期前 30 天內向您的付款方式收款。收取的金額將以續訂當下軟體或服務的價格為準,可能會與您原本支付的金額不同。您有責任確保帳戶的電子郵件地址是最新的地址。若您的軟體或服務已更名、升級或被替換為新產品/服務,我們會在不超過續訂當下價格的前提下,為您提供功能相當的新產品/服務。若自動續訂不適用於您所在的地點,我們會在購買當下告知此事。


McAfee 得於優惠價格期 (如果適用) 之後以及基於下列任何原因變更您對於「軟體」或是「服務」所支付的價格:法律或監管原因;改善我們所提供的服務或是新功能;或是回應市場因素,例如稅率變動、通貨膨脹、貨幣波動或是基礎設施或管理費用的變動。


若不想繼續訂閱,您可登入「我的帳戶」頁面或聯絡客戶服務部門,隨時關閉自動續訂功能。 請務必在訂閱到期至少 30 天前完成此動作,避免您的付款方式遭扣除下次續訂的款項。請謹記,若您關閉或不註冊自動續訂,則將無法取得我們提供給自動續訂服務訂閱者的高級版功能。若您忘記關閉自動續訂,則在被收取款項後的 60 天內,您皆可要求退款並取消訂閱。我們的退款政策構成本條款的部分內容,並且提供有關可退款之訂閱內容以及提出請求方式的詳細資訊,因此請務必詳閱政策內容。




您當然可以取消訂閱,但若取消,即視為您將放棄我們提供的所有線上防護服務。若您確定執行此動作,可以在到期日前隨時取消訂閱。在取消前,請先閱覽我們的退款政策,瞭解您是否符合全額退款資格。 若不符合該資格,您在要取消的付費訂閱到期日前仍可繼續使用軟體和服務,這也不失好事一樁。

若我違反本合約條款,McAfee 會暫停或取消我的訂閱嗎?

會。 若您違反本合約或任何其他適用條款和條件,我們會強制暫停或終止您對軟體或服務的使用權。在終止使用權的同時,我們也可能關閉您的帳戶。


根據我們的內部政策,在您刪除或解除安裝軟體後,我們將刪除您儲存或備份的所有內容,包括資訊、文字、檔案、連結、影像,以及您提供給我們的所有其他內容。 在服務終止前,您有責任儲存並備份您的內容。硬碟和雲端儲存空間的價格都很實惠,因此請別忘了儲存並備份!



病毒清除、TechMaster 服務或病毒防護保證
我們會竭盡所能清除您裝置上的病毒和惡意軟體。 但由於某些攻擊過於複雜,單憑掃描無法妥善處理,因此我們無法保證可將惡意軟體和病毒全部移除。您可以瀏覽《TechMaster 服務條款》和《病毒防護保證條款》瞭解其他資訊。

我們絕不會備份您的主要密碼或加密金鑰,因此您有責任維護這些資料的安全。 請設定強度高且難以猜測的主要密碼,並妥善保管金鑰,因為一旦遺失密碼和金鑰,我們將無法協助您重新登入帳戶。 我們不提供「重設密碼」選項。

WebAdvisor 透過大量精密計算推導出某個網站是否可供安全瀏覽。 這項服務雖然性能出眾,但也不可能發現所有威脅或掌握每個網站的特質。網站評比不能保證網站完全沒有風險,評分高也不代表我們為網站或其服務背書。WebAdvisor 的「安全搜尋」功能預設由 Yahoo! 提供技術支援。若您啟用「安全搜尋」,您的搜尋作業會透過 Yahoo! Network 執行。您可以在瀏覽器設定中變更瀏覽器的預設搜尋引擎選項。

若您已購買此功能,則必須選用這項功能才能將其啟用。 啟用家用掃描程式即表示您授權我們辨識連結至您家中 Wi-Fi 網路的裝置。這可協助我們找出安全性低且可能對您造成安全風險的裝置。您隨時都可選擇停用家用掃描程式。家用掃描程式僅適用於您的家中 Wi-Fi 網路。 該掃描程式會收集連結您網路的所有裝置的資料,請務必在提供 Wi-Fi 密碼前,告知您的親朋好友該程式會掃描他們的裝置。


VPN (Virtual Private Network,虛擬私人網路)
若您購買了此功能,您必須遵守我們的公平使用政策。 這表示在使用 McAfee 的 VPN 時,您不得從事對我們的基礎設施加諸或可能加諸不合理或不成比例的重大負荷的任何事情。 如果您違反此公平使用政策,我們可能會暫停您對於 VPN 功能的使用,且無需對您承擔任何責任。


身分監控 (暗網監控)
暗網可能會讓人毛骨悚然! 暗網基本上就是網際網路,但已經過加密,因此我們很難找出這類網站的擁有者。基於這一特性,一些人員會在此處買賣各種資訊,例如信用卡號和個人身分資訊。





  • 我們根據掌握的暗網資料向您發出警示,並且不保證向您提供的資訊之正確性。
  • 我們僅能監控您選擇提供給我們以進行監控的資訊。您必須確保所提供的資訊正確無誤。
  • 若您選擇透過簡訊接收警示,則您有責任承擔行動服務供應商收取的所有簡訊及數據方案費用。
  • 您必須年滿 16 歲才能使用我們的暗網監控服務。
  • 您僅能提供自己的個人資料作為監控用途。 您不得提供其他人的個人資料。若您在違反此限制的情況下提供任何第三方的資料,我們將不會對此第三方負責。
  • 您不得使用我們的暗網監控服務,以在未經他人同意的情況下取得其資訊。




若您選擇提供您的手機號碼給我們,我們可能會將此號碼用於註冊您的 McAfee 訂閱和/或傳送服務通知與提醒給您。您可能需要支付簡訊和數據傳輸費用。您可以按照收到的訊息中的指引選擇不接收我們傳送的簡訊,或在您提供手機號碼時 (通常透過回覆「停止接收」) 選擇不接收。如需協助,請聯絡 service.mcafee.com


30 天退款保證
在您購買後的前 30 天內,您可以出於任何理由取消訂閱,並要求我們退還您支付的金額。 您購買 McAfee 軟體所在的國家/地區可能提供其他補償措施,部分措施已在本文件末尾大致說明。


軟體和服務不具容錯功能,並非設計或專門用於高風險活動,例如用於需要故障防護效能的危險環境,包括核設施運作環境、空中交通通訊系統、武器和軍事裝備系統、直接生命支援設備,或軟體或服務的故障可能會直接導致死亡、人身傷害或重大實質或財產損壞的任何其他應用場景。 我們不對高風險活動的適用性做出任何明示或默示擔保。


根據本條款或在與本條款相關的情況下,我們和我們的關聯企業、供應商、授權人或其他第三方服務供應商對您承擔的責任 (a) 不超過您為適用軟體或服務按特定訂閱期支付的費用 (前提是招致相關責任的事件或情形在該訂閱期內發生);若為免費軟體,則賠付 $100 美元;(b) 會在以下任何情況免除對您的任何責任:(i) 間接、特殊、隨附性、衍生性損失或損害,包括利潤損失、商譽損失、人員薪資損失、停工、電腦失靈或故障或是資料遺失;或 (ii) 個人識別資訊遭到竊取。

我們不對軟體或服務做出任何明示或默示的擔保或聲明,包括適售性、效能、出色品質、特定用途適用性、所有權和未侵權的擔保或條件。軟體和服務會「依原樣」提供。您有責任選擇軟體和服務以達到預期結果,亦須對安裝和使用軟體或服務的行為負責。我們不對軟體或服務的使用行為或效能提供保證或擔保。 我們不提供以下保證或擔保:軟體或服務的運作將可防止故障、不會中斷或沒有錯誤或瑕疵;軟體或服務可防禦所有可能的安全威脅;軟體或服務不會因非由我們引入或開發的病毒、感染、蠕蟲病毒或類似惡意程式碼出現故障或其他錯誤。 對於任何停機或服務中斷、任何資料或系統的遺失或失竊,或是由任何行為或入侵導致或與之相關的任何其他損害,我們概不負責。



若 McAfee 變更本條款,會怎麼樣?

我們有時會修改本條款並發佈到我們的網站。若您不同意任何變動,可以選擇拒絕續訂 (如上文所述) 並且解除安裝軟體以結束訂閱。 若您選擇續訂,即表示您接受本條款的最新修訂版本。若您已接受多個版本,最新版將會取代之前的所有版本。


我可以向 McAfee 提供意見回饋嗎?






  • 紐約州法律 (若紐約州法律不適用,則以德拉瓦州法律為準);
  • 若您是在加拿大購買軟體和服務,則以加拿大安大略省法律為準;
  • 若您是在亞洲、澳洲、紐西蘭和大洋洲 (日本除外) 購買軟體和服務,則以澳洲新南威爾斯州法律為準;
  • 若您是在日本購買軟體和服務,則以日本法律為準 (但不包括其法律選擇原則);
  • 若您是在歐盟、冰島、挪威或瑞士購買軟體或服務,則以您購買產品所在國家/地區的法律為準。


  • 法律衝突原則;
  • 《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》;以及
  • 美國《統一電腦資訊交易法》。


根據美國和當地國家/地區的法律,軟體和服務須受出口管制。 您同意,若未獲得美國商務部工業與安全局 (Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce) 或任何其他對出口或傳輸擁有管轄權之政府實體的任何必要授權,您將不會向出口、傳輸或存取受到出口管制法限制的個人、實體或國家/地區直接或間接出口、傳輸,及允許其存取或使用軟體或服務及其相關文件和技術資料。 根據 CFR 第 15 章第 744.21 部分的條例,您將不會出於以下目的使用、傳輸或存取任何 McAfee 產品:用於與任何核子、化學或生物武器和軍事裝備或是飛彈科技有關的最終用途,或用於軍事最終用途或供軍事最終使用者使用,惟美國政府或相關當地政府根據法規或特定執照給予授權。若我們收到通知,得知根據適用法律,使用者已是或被認定為受制裁或受限制的當事方,且履約將導致違反該制裁或限制規定,我們將無義務履行本條款下的任何義務。此處提供了有關出口與進口 McAfee 產品的其他資訊,內容可能隨時更新。

本條款構成您與我們之間就您對軟體和服務之使用情形所訂立的完整合約。 本條款可取代您與我們之間先前就軟體和服務所訂立的任何合約或條款,以及與之相關的其他任何通訊、聲明或廣告。

我們提供了本條款從英文譯為其他語言的翻譯版本,僅為方便您參考之用。 若翻譯版和英文版在含義或解釋方面有任何差異,則以英文版為準。



  • 若您在美國、墨西哥、中美洲、南美洲或加勒比海地區下載軟體,則由 McAfee, LLC (一家德拉瓦州有限責任公司,營業地址位於 6220 America Center Drive, San Jose, California 95002, USA) 授權;
  • 若您在加拿大下載軟體,則由 McAfee Consumer Affairs North, LLC (一家德拉瓦州有限責任公司,營業地址位於 6220 America Center Drive, San Jose, California 95002, USA) 授權;
  • 若您在歐洲、中東、非洲、太平洋沿岸地區或澳洲下載軟體,則由 McAfee Ireland Limited (營業地址位於 1 Horgan’s Quay, Waterfront Square, Cork, Ireland, T23 PPT8) 授權;或者
  • 若您在日本下載軟體,則軟體由 McAfee, LLC 授權。若您在日本下載軟體,則由 McAfee Co., Ltd. (營業地址位於 Shibuya Mark City West 1-12-1, Dougenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan) 提供所有服務。

McAfee 聯絡資訊

Attn: McAfee Legal Department
5000 Headquarters Drive
Plano, Texas 75024

McAfee 網站
您同意遵守《McAfee 網站服務條款》(已納入本條款中)。


若軟體或服務適用於《2010 年競爭及消費者法案》(聯邦) (下稱 CCA) 中規定的任何消費者保障,且 CCA 禁止本條款中的規定免除、限制或修改這類消費者保障,或認定此類規定無效,則在我們因供應軟體和服務導致不遵循這類消費者保障的情況下,期間產生的責任僅適用於以下救濟:


  • 取消您與我們的服務合約,以及
  • 就未使用的部分取得退款,或針對其減損之價值取得補償。



本保固由 McAfee Ireland Limited 提供。請將任何涵蓋在本保固範圍內的索賠事件資訊寄送至以下地址:

Legal Department
McAfee Security Australia Pty Ltd
Level 16
40 Mount Street
North Sydney, NSW, 2060

In diesem Aschnitt wiird erklärt, welche Auswirkungen das deutsche Verbrauchergesetz auf Ihr Abonnement hat. 

Diese Abschnitt betrifft nur Verträge zwischen McAfee und Verbrauchern mit gewöhnlichem Geschäftssitz in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Deutschland) seit dem 1. März 2022. Ein Verbraucher ist jede natürliche Person, die ein Rechtsgeschäft zu Zwecken abschließt, die überwiegend weder ihrer gewerblichen noch ihrer selbständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden können (§ 13 BGB).

Ihr erstes Abonnement wird automatisch um einen unbestimmten Zeitraum verlängert, es sei denn, Sie deaktivieren die automatische Verlängerung in Ihren Einstellungen unter "MyAccount" oder kündigen das Abonnement auf anderem Wege (z. B. durch Zugriff auf "cancel subscription here" (Abonnement hier kündigen) auf der McAfee-Homepage). Nach der ersten Laufzeit Ihres Abonnements erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, das Abonnement unter Einhaltung einer Frist von einem Monat im Voraus zu kündigen.

Wie im Abschnitt "How does automatic renewal work?" (Wie funktioniert die automatische Verlängerung?) der McAfee Lizenzvereinbarung beschrieben, wird McAfee Sie 30 Tage vor Ablauf Ihres Abonnements im Voraus über die automatische Verlängerung Ihres Abonnements informieren und Ihnen die anfallenden Gebühren für ein Jahr Nutzung des McAfee Produkts vorab in Rechnung stellen. Am Ende Ihres einjährigen Verlängerungszeitraums wird McAfee Sie erneut informieren und Ihnen im Voraus Gebühren in Rechnung stellen.

Wenn Sie sich dazu entschließen, Ihr Abonnement zu kündigen, können Sie dies über den Link Vertrag hier beenden auf der McAfee Homepage tun. McAfee wird Ihnen allle im Voraus bezahlten Gebühren für die Verlängerung anteilig erstatten (die Höhe des Erstattungsbetrags hängt von der Dauer Ihrer Nutzung des McAfee Produkts ab). Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie in der McAfee Produkterstattungsrichtlinie für Verbraucher (für deutsche Verbraucher).

Conformément aux dispositions de l’article L. 215-4 du code de la consommation, les clauses suivantes sont reproduites:

Pour les contrats de prestations de services conclus pour une durée déterminée avec une clause de reconduction tacite, le professionnel prestataire de services informe le consommateur par écrit, par lettre nominative ou courrier électronique dédiés, au plus tôt trois mois et au plus tard un mois avant le terme de la période autorisant le rejet de la reconduction, de la possibilité de ne pas reconduire le contrat qu'il a conclu avec une clause de reconduction tacite. Cette information, délivrée dans des termes clairs et compréhensibles, mentionne, dans un encadré apparent, la date limite de non-reconduction.

Lorsque cette information ne lui a pas été adressée conformément aux dispositions du premier alinéa, le consommateur peut mettre gratuitement un terme au contrat, à tout moment à compter de la date de reconduction.

Les avances effectuées après la dernière date de reconduction ou, s'agissant des contrats à durée indéterminée, après la date de transformation du contrat initial à durée déterminée, sont dans ce cas remboursées dans un délai de trente jours à compter de la date de résiliation, déduction faite des sommes correspondant, jusqu'à celle-ci, à l'exécution du contrat.

Les dispositions du présent article s'appliquent sans préjudice de celles qui soumettent légalement certains contrats à des règles particulières en ce qui concerne l'information du consommateur.

Lorsque le professionnel n'a pas procédé au remboursement dans les conditions prévues à l'article L. 215-1, les sommes dues sont productives d'intérêts au taux légal.

Le médiateur suivant est à votre disposition : Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris, CMAP (dont les coordonnées sont les suivantes:

39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt -75008 Paris- https://www.cmap.fr/le-cmap/nous-saisir/

在您的初始訂閱結束之後,任何自動續訂皆為不定期限之訂閱。續訂後,您可隨時聯絡客戶服務部門並至少提前 30 天發出您欲終止訂閱的通知以終止續訂,然後我們將依據當地法律按比例退款。





您與 McAfee 同意,因本合約引起或與本合約相關的任何索賠或爭議 (下稱索賠) 將由《聯邦仲裁法》所規管之機密約束性仲裁程序予以解決。這包括由我們、您本人、代表您或是與您或我們有關聯的人員 (例如員工、子公司和繼任者) 所提出的索賠。

您和我們皆同意不得藉由仲裁、法院或其他方式發起集體訴訟或其他團體訴訟、合併訴訟或代表人訴訟。 仲裁或其他程序中的所有索賠皆須由您或 McAfee 以個人身分提出,不得以任何法律上集體訴訟或集體程序當中之原告或集體訴訟成員身份提出。 我們與您皆放棄發起或參與集體訴訟,或向法院提起索賠訴訟以由法官或陪審團作出裁決的權利。

在發起仲裁前,其中一方必須提前 60 天以書面形式通知另一方。向我們傳送的通知應寄到以下地址:McAfee, 5000 Headquarters Drive, Plano, TX 75024, Attention: Legal Department。該通知必須包含您的姓名、地址、聯絡資訊、引發爭議的事由,以及要求的救濟。您和我們皆須在爭議通知寄出日之後 60 天內,盡合理努力以非正式談判方式解決任何爭議。 60 天後,若爭議未解決,任何一方均可發起仲裁。這些通知義務不會改變適用於任何索賠的訴訟時效。


  • 仲裁程序中會有一位中立的仲裁者,該仲裁者由獲准於相關管轄範圍內執業且至少擁有 10 年經驗的律師擔任,或由按照美國仲裁協會 (下稱 AAA) 規則所選出的退休法官擔任,並受到本合約條款約束。
  • 經本合約修改之仲裁規則 (AAA 的商業仲裁規則或消費者仲裁規則) 將會適用。
  • 所有仲裁程序將以英文進行。
  • 除了金額低於 $25,000 美元的索賠或反訴之外,仲裁者將發佈詳盡的書面仲裁結果,以解釋裁決所依據的重要調查結果與結論。裁決將保密,僅在有必要進行判決或法律要求的其他情況下揭露。

申請費將由仲裁發起方負擔。若裁決結果對您有利且申請費由您支付,我們將補償這筆費用。若我們確信理由充分,則可能補償或代墊您支付的申請費或其他費用 (例如您無法負擔費用)。仲裁規則適用於所有其他費用和支出,且雙方皆須負擔各自的法律費用和支出,除非仲裁者另行裁定。



本仲裁約定的效力高於仲裁規則或任何其他適用仲裁條款中的所有衝突條款。 若本仲裁約定的任何部分被視為無效或不可強制執行,這將不會影響仲裁約定其他條款的效力,但前提是 (a) 若對集體仲裁的禁止規定被視為無效,本仲裁約定將全部失效;以及 (b) 若對以私人檢察長身分提起代表索賠之仲裁的禁止規定被視為無效,仲裁約定將僅對此等索賠無效。

若出於任何原因,導致索賠由法院審理而非透過仲裁處理,您和我們同意不接受陪審團審判。 對於與本合約或任何軟體或服務有任何關聯或由之引致的任何爭議,您和我們無條件放棄所有接受陪審團審判的權利。若進行訴訟,則可提交本段內容,作為對法院審判的書面同意。本段內容不影響爭議仲裁約定的效力。

線上爭議解決服務 (以下稱 ODR) 和替代性糾紛解決機制 (以下稱 ADR)。 根據法律要求,我們特此提供從本網站轉至歐盟 ODR 平台的連結:https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/consumers/resolve-your-consumer-complaint。 即使您向我們申訴,我們也無義務使用 ADR。若您向我們申訴,而我們無法使用內部申訴處理程序解決,我們將會透過信函或電子郵件與您聯絡,說明我們是否準備提交 ADR。您可以透過我們的網站與我們聯絡。

上次更新時間:2022 年 7 月 11 日

McAfee Secure Home Platform

Welcome to the McAfee Secure Home Platform! These Terms of Service (“Terms”) affect your legal rights, so please read them carefully. These Terms apply to your access and use of a home wireless network (the “Home Network”) that is protected by McAfee Secure Home Platform (“Platform”). If you will be managing the settings of the Home Network through the Secure Home Platform mobile application (the “App”), then these Terms also apply to you (“Home Network Administrator”) and your use of the App. You may access the Home Network from your personal computer, tablet, mobile device or other Internet-capable device (“your Device”).  In order to access and use the Home Network and/or the App, you must agree to these Terms. The Platform and the App are provided by the applicable McAfee legal entity identified in Section 17 (collectively, “McAfee”, “we”, “us”, or “our”).

By clicking “I accept”, or by accessing or using the Home Network and/or the App, you agree to be bound by these Terms and all terms incorporated by reference. We have included links to additional terms, such as our Privacy Notice which are important and together create this legal agreement that applies to you.  If you do not agree to these Terms, including the mandatory arbitration provision and class action waiver in Section 12, you may not access or use the Home Network or the App.

McAfee reserves the right to change or modify these Terms at any time and in our sole discretion. If we make changes to these Terms, we will provide notice of such changes, such as by providing notice through the Home Network or updating the “Last Updated” date at the beginning of these Terms. By continuing to access or use the Home Network and/or App, you confirm your acceptance of the revised Terms and all of the terms incorporated therein by reference. We encourage you to review the Terms frequently to ensure that you understand the terms and conditions that apply when you access or use the Home Network and/or App. If you do not agree to the revised Terms, you may not access or use the Home Network and/or App.


You acknowledge that the Home Network Administrator may receive information about your use of the Home Network, including without limitation, your name, the type of Device you have, and the sites that you visit (for example, the Home Network Administrator may receive a notification if you visit a website that has parental control restrictions enabled). If you do not wish for the Home Network Administrator to receive this information, do not use the Home Network.


Our Privacy Notice is incorporated by reference into these Terms, and you understand that you are agreeing to the terms therein by accessing or using the Home Network and/or App. Please review the Privacy Notice for additional information about how we collect, use, and disclose information about you. The Privacy Notice applies solely to our use of information about you.  You acknowledge that the policy does not govern the Home Network Administrator’s use of any information about you that the Home Network Administrator receives, or any use of your information by any Internet Service Provider or other third party. 


Use of the App is permitted only by the Home Network Administrator. If you are not the Home Network Administrator, you have no right to use the App. If you are the Home Network Administrator, in order to use the App, you will need to register for a Platform user account (“Account”) through the App. By creating an Account, you agree to (i) provide accurate, current and complete Account information, (ii) maintain and promptly update, as necessary, your Account information, and (iii) maintain the security of your Account credentials. You agree that we can rely on the instructions of the person that establishes the Account related to your Home Network.  You are not permitted to let other individuals use your Account credentials. You understand that letting another individual control the Home Network through your Account may result in changes to your Platform configurations and permissions. You acknowledge that McAfee has no responsibility to you with respect to the actions of such parties. As such, you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account login information and for all activities that occur under your Account.


As a specific condition of your access to the Home Network, you explicitly agree not to use the Home Network for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms. You agree: (i) not to violate any applicable law, contract, intellectual property or other third-party right or commit a tort; (ii) not to engage in any harassing, threatening, intimidating, predatory or stalking conduct; not to use the Home Network in any way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Home Network, or interfere with anyone else's use of the Home Network, (iii) not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Platform or the App, through hacking, password mining or any other means, (iv) not to attempt to reverse engineer any portion of the Platform or the App, or attempt to infringe the intellectual property rights of others in any way, (v) not to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through the Home Network or App, (vi) to act responsibly and not use the Home Network or App for any fraudulent, unlawful, harassing, abusive, illegal, or unauthorized purpose, or engage in, encourage or promote any activity that violates these Terms. You further acknowledge and agree that a violation of these Terms may result in a denial of access to the Home Network and App without notice and may subject you to administrative penalty and/or criminal liability.

Additionally, if you are a Home Network Administrator, you agree that you will not permit anyone else to access or use your Account.


Wireless communications, including those sent over the Home Network, are not secure communications. McAfee is not responsible for the privacy of activity using the Home Network. For security purposes, activity on the Home Network may be monitored, but there is no obligation on McAfee to do so or to take any action even if it does.


Availability of the Platform. While we aim for the Platform to be highly reliable and available, you acknowledge that it may not be available 100% of the time. The Platform is subject to sporadic interruptions and failures for a variety of reasons beyond our control, including router failure, Wi-Fi intermittency, service provider or your mobile carrier uptime, viruses, bugs or other issues present in your router equipment, computer or other devices connected to your Home Network, and your App configurations, among others. You acknowledge these limitations and agree that McAfee is not responsible for any damages allegedly caused by the failure or delay of the Platform. Additionally, you are solely responsible for any fees charged directly by such third parties in connection with your use of the Platform and for your compliance with all applicable agreements and policies provided by such third parties.

Automatic Updates. We may from time to time develop updates, patches, bug fixes, and other modifications to the Software (“Updates”) at no cost to you. Updates may be automatically installed without providing any additional notice or receiving any additional consent from you. By accessing or using the Software, you consent to automatic Updates. You further acknowledge that you may be required to install Updates to use the Software, and to promptly install any Update we provide.


McAfee Property. You acknowledge that all of the intellectual property rights, including without limitation copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets in the Platform and the App (and in the underlying technology) are owned by McAfee, its affiliates or its licensors. All rights not expressly licensed are reserved.

Feedback. You may choose to, or we may invite you to submit, comments, ideas, suggestions, or concerns about the Platform and the App (collectively, “Feedback”). By submitting any Feedback, you agree that your submissions are voluntary, gratuitous, unsolicited, and without restriction, and will not place McAfee under any fiduciary or other obligation. You acknowledge that McAfee may use, copy, modify, publish, or redistribute your submissions for any purpose without any compensation to you. You further agree that McAfee does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to McAfee, whether developed by its employees or obtained from other sources. 


We are pleased to grant you a nonexclusive, revocable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, limited license to use the Platform and the App for personal use only and in accordance with these Terms and all applicable laws and regulations. The Platform is intended to be used only on the router on which it is pre-installed, and the App is intended to be used only on a supported mobile device owned by you.  Unless explicitly stated by us, nothing in these Terms shall be construed as conferring any right or license to any patent, copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right of McAfee or any third party, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise. This license is nontransferable and is revocable by us in the event you violate this Agreement.  Upon any termination of this license, you must immediately cease all use of the Platform and App. 


Except for the limited warranty below, McAfee disclaims any and all other warranties, and any and all responsibility for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of, or in any way related to (a) any errors in or omissions on or from the Home Network or App, including but not limited to technical inaccuracies and typographical errors, (b) any third party websites or content therein directly or indirectly accessed through links on the Home Network or App, including but not limited to any errors in or omissions contained therein, (c) the unavailability of the Home Network or App, (d) your use of the Home Network or App, (e) your use of any equipment or software in connection with the Home Network or App, or (f) information you might access or encounter or any activity that results from your access, encounter or activity on the internet.

Any dealings with any third parties (including advertisers and/or sponsors) appearing on the Home Network, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings are solely between you and those third parties. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and do not warrant the offerings of, any of these businesses or individuals or the content of their websites. McAfee does not assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, products, or website contents of any third parties. You should carefully review their privacy statements and other conditions of use.

The Platform, Home Network, and App are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind. McAfee makes no warranties or representations, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of design, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and title, any warranties arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice, and any warranties of non-infringement of any third party's patent(s), trade secret(s), copyright(s) or other intellectual property rights. McAfee will not be liable for any damages (including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive). McAfee does not warrant that the operation of the Home Network or App will be uninterrupted or error-free. No oral or written information given by McAfee or an authorized representative of McAfee shall create any warranty.

In addition, McAfee does not represent or warrant that the Platform, Home Network, and App are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free, or that the content or websites that you or users of your Home Network request, receive, or visit will be safe, legal, acceptable, or appropriate for a particular age. You acknowledge that any age-based filtering based on your App configurations may not be 100% accurate, and that McAfee is not responsible in the event that certain content on your Home Network is not appropriately filtered according to your configurations. While McAfee attempts to make your access to and use of the Platform, Home Network, and App safe, we cannot and do not represent or warrant that the Platform, Home Network, or App, or our servers are free of viruses or other harmful components. You assume the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Platform, Home Network, and App.

You acknowledge that some security breaches involve attacks on data. For example, there are viruses and other malware that: (i) delete or destroy your data (sometimes individual files, but sometimes even an entire disk by corrupting a master boot record or other key element); (ii) modify your files (such as parasitic malware that attaches itself to a file and modifies the file to enable its own execution and/or propagation); and (iii) encrypt files on your drive (such as ransomware that uses asymmetric encryption). The best way for you to protect yourself from these types of attacks is frequent back-ups of your data to another device/location. That way, you have another copy of the data in the event that the attacking software has deleted, modified, or destroyed the data. It is your sole and exclusive responsibility to back-up all data and files on your device so that they can be restored in the event of an attack on your data. Without such a back-up, it may not be possible to restore the deleted/destroyed/modified data. McAfee is not liable for loss of or recovery of data, or for files or loss of use of systems or networks arising from attacks on data.

Limited Warranty. We warrant that the Platform will perform substantially in accordance with the product description provided at McAfee.com. If you are dissatisfied with any portion of the Platform or the App, or with any of these Terms, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Home Network.


Under no circumstances are we or our suppliers, licensors or other third-party service providers liable to you for any: (a) indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages; (b) theft of personally identifiable information or cost of procuring substitute services, and (c) damages for loss of profits, loss of goodwill, loss of personnel salaries, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, loss of data, or negligence of any kind, or for any other nondirect damage or loss.  In no event will our, our affiliates’ or our suppliers’, licensors’ or other third-party service providers’ aggregate liability to you for direct damages under these terms exceed the greater of (i) the price you paid for the Platform service, or (ii) if you have not paid McAfee for the use of any services, $100.00 USD (one-hundred U.S. dollars).  Nothing in these Terms limits any rights you may have under existing consumer-protection statutes or other applicable laws that may not be waived by contract in your jurisdiction.


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold McAfee and its past, present, and future employees, officers, directors, contractors, equity holders, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors and suppliers (collectively, the “McAfee Parties”) harmless from any damages, liabilities, claims, demands, awards, judgments, losses, fees, expenses, and costs of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, matured or unmatured, or suspected or unsuspected, in law or in equity, whether in tort, contract, or otherwise (collectively, “Claims”) made by any third party due to or arising out of (i) any misuse by you or anyone you authorize to use the Home Network, your Account, or the App; (ii) your violation of these Terms or any other applicable terms, policies, warnings, or instructions provided by McAfee or a third party in relation to the Home Network or App; (iii) any Feedback you provide; or (iv) your violation of any law or the rights of a third party. You agree to promptly notify McAfee of any third party Claims, cooperate with defending such Claims (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and expenses, court costs, costs of settlement and costs of pursuing indemnification and insurance). You further agree that McAfee Parties shall have control of the defense or settlement of any third party Claims. This indemnity is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other indemnities set forth in a written agreement between you and McAfee.


Agreement to Arbitrate Disputes. Any claim, dispute or controversy of any kind, regardless of the type of claim or legal theory or remedy (“Claim”) by either you or us against the other arising from, relating to or in any way concerning the Terms, the Home Network, the App, or any other services you receive from us (or from any advertising for any such products or services) shall, at the demand of either party, be resolved by confidential binding arbitration.  This agreement to arbitrate also includes: (i) claims relating to the enforceability or interpretation of any of these arbitration provisions; (ii) Claims by you, and also Claims made on your behalf or connected to you, such as an employee, representative, agent, predecessor, successor, heir, assignee, or trustee in bankruptcy; (iii) Claims that relate directly to us, and/or to our parent, affiliates, successors, assignees, employees, and agents; and (iv)  Claims asserted as part of a class action, private attorney general or other representative action, it being expressly understood and agreed to that the arbitration of such claims must proceed on an individual (non-class, non-representative) basis and the arbitrator may award relief only on an individual (non-class and non-representative) basis. You and we agree that no class action, consolidated action, private attorney general or other representative claims may be pursued in arbitration, nor may such actions be pursued in court.  By accepting this arbitration agreement, you agree to waive the right to initiate or participate in a class action, representative action, private attorney general action or consolidated arbitration in any matter encompassed by this arbitration provision.

Notice of Dispute. The party seeking arbitration must first notify the other party of the dispute in writing at least 60 days in advance of initiating arbitration.  Notice should be sent to McAfee, 5000 Headquarters Drive, Plano, TX 75024, Attention: Legal Department.  The notice must include your name, address, and contact information, the facts giving rise to the dispute, and the relief requested.  You and McAfee will attempt to resolve any dispute through informal negotiation within 60 days from the date of the Notice of Dispute is sent.  After 60 days, you or we may commence arbitration.

Administration of Arbitration. If any dispute is not resolved by informal negotiation, any claim, dispute, or controversy will be, at the demand of either party, conducted exclusively by binding arbitration governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), and not state law.  You are giving up the right to litigate (or participate as a party or class member in) all disputes in court before a judge or jury.  Instead, all disputes will be resolved on an individual basis before a single, neutral arbitrator and the proceeding shall be confidential.  The arbitrator will be either a lawyer admitted to practice law in his or her jurisdiction and with at least ten years’ experience, or a retired or former judge selected in accordance with the rules of the AAA.  The arbitrator is bound by the terms of this Agreement, and the arbitration shall be governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules and Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes of the AAA, as modified by this Agreement (the “Arbitration Rules”).  For more information, see adr.org or call 1-800-778-7879. 

All arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English, and the United States FAA shall govern the interpretation, enforcement, and proceedings pursuant to the binding arbitration clause in these Terms.  The award shall be confidential and only disclosed as is necessary to obtain judgment or as otherwise required by law.  You and we further agree that a judgment may be entered upon the award by any court having jurisdiction.  The arbitration award shall determine the rights and obligations between the named parties only, and only in respect of the claims in arbitration, and shall not have any bearing on the rights and obligations of any other dispute.

Costs. The party initiating the arbitration shall pay the initial filing fee.  If you file the arbitration and an award is rendered in your favor, we will reimburse your filing fee.  We will pay the fees and costs for the first day of any hearing.  All other fees and costs will be allocated in accordance with the arbitration rules.  However, we will advance or reimburse filing and other fees if the arbitrator rules that you cannot afford to pay them or if you ask us and we determine there is a good reason for doing so.  Each party shall bear the expense of their respective attorneys, experts, witnesses, and other expenses, regardless of who prevails, but a party may recover any or all expenses from another party if the arbitrator, applying applicable law, so determines.

Right to Resort to Provisional Remedies Preserved. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit or constrain our right to resort to self-help remedies or to comply with legal process, or to obtain provisional remedies such as injunctive relief, attachment, or garnishment by a court having appropriate jurisdiction; provided, however, that you or we may elect to arbitrate any dispute related to such provisional remedies.

Conflicting Terms. In the event of a conflict between the Arbitration Rules and this arbitration agreement, this arbitration agreement shall govern.  If any portion of this arbitration agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not invalidate the other provisions of the arbitration agreement, provided, however, that (a) if the prohibition on classwide arbitration is deemed invalid, then this entire arbitration agreement shall be null and void; and (b) if the prohibition on arbitration of representative claims brought in a private attorney general capacity is deemed invalid, then the arbitration agreement shall be null and void as to such claims only.  This arbitration agreement shall survive the termination or cancellation of these Terms.  In the event of a conflict between this arbitration agreement and any other applicable arbitration provision, this arbitration agreement shall control.

Waiver of Jury Trial. If for any reason a claim proceeds in court rather than through arbitration, you and McAfee agree that there will not be a jury trial.  You and McAfee unconditionally waive any right to trial by jury in any dispute that in any way relates to or arises out of these Terms or from any services you receive from us (or from any advertising for any such services).  In the event of litigation, this paragraph may be filed to show a written consent to a trial by the court.


Except as provided in Section 18 below, these Terms, your access to and use of the Home Network, the relationship of the parties, and any disputes arising out of, concerning, or relating to the Terms, including any disputes between you and McAfee, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, excluding its conflict of law principles, except that the FAA governs all provisions relating to arbitration.  If for any reason, the laws of the State of New York are found not to apply, then these Terms, the use of the Platform, the relationship of the parties, and any disputes arising out of, concerning, or relating to these Terms, including any disputes between you and McAfee, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, excluding its conflict of law principles, except that the FAA governs all provisions relating to arbitration.  The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act do not apply to the Home Network.


These Terms will remain in full force and effect so long as you continue to access or use the Home Network and/or App, or until terminated in accordance with the provisions of these Terms. At any time, McAfee may (i) suspend or terminate your rights to access or use the Home Network and/or App, or (ii) terminate these Terms with respect to you if McAfee in good faith believes that you have used the Home Network or App in violation of these Terms, including any incorporated guidelines, terms or rules. Upon termination of these Terms, your right to use the Home Network and App will automatically terminate.


If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms is unlawful, void or unenforceable, that provision or part of the provision is deemed severable from these Terms and does not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and McAfee relating to your access to and use of the Home Network and, if you are the Home Network Administrator, your access to and use of the App. The failure of McAfee to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not operate as a waiver of such right or provision. The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Except as otherwise provided herein, these Terms are intended solely for the benefit of the parties and are not intended to confer third party beneficiary rights upon any other person or entity.


The Platform is licensed to you by one of these legal entities:

(a) McAfee, LLC., a Delaware corporation, with offices located at 2821 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, California 95054, USA, if the Platform is used in North America, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean;
(b) McAfee Ireland Limited, with offices located at Building 2000 City Gate, Mahon, Cork, Ireland if the Platform is used in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, or the Pacific Rim; or
(c) McAfee Co., Ltd. with offices located at Shibuya Mark City West Building 12-1, Dougenzaka 1-Chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan, if the Platform is used in Japan.


The subsections below contain information regarding the local laws of certain jurisdictions that will apply to this Agreement and may supersede certain provisions as referenced herein.

Australia – For consumers in Australia:

The benefits to you under the limited warranty in Section 9 of this Agreement are in addition to other rights and remedies of you may have under a law in relation to the goods or services to which the warranty relates. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (“Australian Consumer Law”). You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. This warranty is made by McAfee Ireland Limited, with offices located at Building 2000 City Gate, Mahon, Cork, Ireland, but you may call 1-800-998-887 with questions regarding our warranty for Australian customers. Any claims made under this warranty must be sent, at your expense, to the following address:

Legal Department

McAfee Australia Pty Ltd
Level 20
201 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

For customers located in Australia, if a tangible medium on which software was delivered is defective, you must return the defective medium to us at your expense, with a copy of your receipt, within 14 days of discovering the defect. We will notify you of receipt within 14 days of receiving it.

The disclaimers in Section 9 do not apply to you to the extent that Australian law does not allow the exclusion or limitation of any applicable statutory guarantees, express or implied warranties, conditions, representations or terms. In that case, the express or implied warranties are limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

The limitations on liability set forth in Section 10 do not apply to consumers in Australia.

Nothing in this agreement limits any rights you may have under existing consumer-protection statutes or other applicable laws, including Australian consumer law, that may not be waived by contract in your jurisdiction.

Canada – If you downloaded the App in Canada, unless expressly prohibited by local law, then these Terms, the use of the Home Network and App, the relationship of the parties, and any disputes arising out of, concerning, or relating to these Terms, including any disputes between you and us, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

European Union, Iceland, Norway, or Switzerland – If you acquired the App in the European Union, Iceland, Norway, or Switzerland, then national law of the country where you downloaded the App applies.

Japan – If you downloaded the App in Japan, then these Terms, the use of the Home Network and App, the relationship of the parties, and any disputes arising out of, concerning, or relating to these Terms, including any disputes between you and us, will be governed by and construed in accordance with Japanese law without regard to its choice-of-law rules.



Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in these Terms, the following additional terms will apply to the download of the App for use on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad:

You and McAfee acknowledge that these Terms are solely between you and McAfee, and not with Apple, Inc. ("Apple"), and that McAfee, not Apple, is solely responsible for the Software, the content thereof, maintenance, support services and warranty therefor, and addressing any claims relating thereto (e.g., product liability, legal compliance or intellectual property infringement). You acknowledge and agree that the availability of the App is dependent on the third party from which you received the App, e.g., the Apple iPhone App Store ("App Store"). You agree to pay all fees charged by the App Store in connection with the App (if any). You further acknowledge that the usage rules for the App are subject to any additional restrictions set forth in the Usage Rules for the Apple App Store Terms of Software ("Apple Usage Rules") as of the date you download the App. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of the Apple Usage Rules and the terms and conditions of these Terms, the terms and conditions of the Apple Usage Rules will govern if they are more restrictive.

Scope of License. The license granted to you is limited to a non-transferable license to use the App on any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad that you own or control as permitted by the Apple Usage Rules.

Maintenance and Support. McAfee is solely responsible for providing maintenance and support services with respect to the App. You acknowledge and agree that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the App.

Warranty. You acknowledge and agree that Apple is not responsible for any product warranties, whether express or implied by law, with respect to the App. In the event of any failure of the App to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price, if any, paid to Apple for the App by you, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App. You also acknowledge and agree that to the extent that there are any applicable warranties, or any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any such applicable warranty, such will be the sole responsibility of McAfee. However, you understand and agree that, in accordance with these Terms, McAfee has disclaimed all warranties of any kind with respect to the App, and therefore, there are no warranties applicable to the App, except those implied by law.

Product Claims. You and McAfee acknowledge and agree that as between Apple and McAfee, McAfee, not Apple, is responsible for addressing any of your claims or any third party claims relating to the App or your possession and/or use of the App, including, but not limited to (a) product liability claims, (b) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement, and (c) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.

Intellectual Property Rights. You and McAfee acknowledge and agree that, in the event of any third party claim that the App or your possession and use of the App infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, McAfee, and not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim to the extent required under these Terms.

Legal Compliance. You represent and warrant that (a) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a "terrorist supporting" country, and (b) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

Developer Name and Address. Any end-user questions, complaints or claims with respect to the App should be directed to: http://service.mcafee.com

Third Party Beneficiary. The parties acknowledge and agree that Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of these Terms, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce any of the terms and conditions of these Terms against you as a third party beneficiary thereof. However, the right of McAfee to terminate, rescind, or make any change to these Terms is not subject to the consent of any other person.


Virus Removal & Techmaster Services

Terms of Service – Virus Removal & TechMaster Services

Thank you for using McAfee Virus Removal Service or TechMaster services (“Service or Services”), provided by McAfee or one of our affiliates (“we” or “us”). This is a legal agreement between us—installing or accessing our software or using our Services means you are agreeing to these terms, so please read them carefully.

These Terms of Service (“Agreement”),along with our License Agreement,  cover your rights to use the Services, restrictions on that use, our right to automatically renew and charge you for any subscription services (“Subscription Services”), and your agreement to arbitrate any dispute that may arise between us.  We have included links to our Privacy Notice as well as system requirements and other limitations specific to your purchase that are available on our website by visiting the product description page or data sheet that corresponds to your purchase, all of which are incorporated by reference and together create this legal Agreement that applies to you. PLEASE PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER IN THE LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT AFFECT HOW DISPUTES ARE RESOLVED.

If you are accepting these terms on behalf of another person or company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have full authority to bind that person, company or legal entity to these terms.

1. Accepting this Agreement and Modifications – By using our Services or clicking an acceptance button and/or installing any software, you agree unconditionally to be bound by our License Agreement and these Terms of Service and acknowledge that it is enforceable as a written contract signed by you. If you do not unconditionally agree to all of these terms, do not use the Services or install, use or access our software. WE MAY MODIFY THIS AGREEMENT FROM TIME TO TIME AT OUR SOLE DISCRETION FOR ANY REASON. For example, we may need to reflect changes in the law or updates in how the Services are provided. It is very important that you keep your account information current, including your email address and other contact information. If we make material changes to this Agreement, we will communicate the changes to you via the contact information you provided (or through other means) and give you an opportunity to review and accept or reject the updated Agreement as set out below.

For paid subscriptions, you accept change(s) to this Agreement by renewing the subscription, and the change(s) will be effective upon the next renewal of your subscription. If you do not agree to the Agreement as amended, then you reject the Agreement by turning off auto renewal and ceasing all use of the Service. If you violate this Agreement, we may terminate your access to and use of Services.

For free Services, you accept change(s) to this Agreement by continuing to use the free Services after the notice described in this section. If you reject the updated Agreement, your right to use the free Services is terminated and you must cease all access to and use of the free Services. If you violate this Agreement, we may terminate your access to and use of the free Services.

2. Services Description – Our Services cover a wide range of technical support issues on specified PCs, tablets and mobile devices (“Device” or “Devices”).  During the applicable term, you are entitled to contact our support specialists (“Service Agent”) through telephone, chat, or remote computer access to obtain the specific type of Service you purchased (“Service Ticket”).  The Service Agent will undertake reasonable efforts to complete the Service during your interactive session.  You will have seven days after the session concludes to contact us for additional assistance for the same issue before we consider the Service Ticket fulfilled and closed.    Additional limitations may apply depending on the specific terms of the offer as set forth in Section 6.

3. Specific Services and Non-Transferability – You may have purchased one or more of any of the following Services as described below:

The Services are not transferable. You may not sell, lease, license, rent, loan, resell or otherwise transfer, with or without consideration, the Services, without our written approval in advance. You may not permit third parties to benefit from the use or functionality of the Services via a timesharing, service bureau or other arrangement on behalf of any other third party or with respect to any hardware or software not personally owned by you. This Agreement shall apply to any other Services whether or not listed in the chart above, if there is no other applicable terms of service.

4. System Requirements and Your Obligations – All hardware, software and system requirements for utilizing our Services are listed on our website on the PDP. To receive the Services, a high speed internet connection is highly recommended and may be required. Some Devices may not be able to receive the Services even if initial testing shows that your network connection is qualified, or that your Device type and/or operating system is supported.

You agree that you are a legal license holder of the software on your Device and your use of the Services and the Internet is solely at your own risk. To receive the Services, you must agree to: (1) follow the procedures and fulfill the requirements we provide for the Services; (2) work with the Service Agent performing the routines they specify; (3) have full access to your Device and hardware that are the basis of the problem, (4) backup your Device content before your session begins; (5) be responsible for any loss, alterations or corruption of your data, software, or files; (6) ensure your Device meets all requirements and specifications required for each software application installed; (7) provide the Service Agent with required passwords and key codes; (8) ensure you have all legal rights, including copyrights for all software and other files on your Device; (9) assume responsibility for problem resolution due to third party hardware and software compatibility issues; and (10) indemnify us and our subcontractors from and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims, or proceedings arising out of your failure for not complying with the above items.

5. Remote Access and Third Party Applications – In order to provide the Services, we may ask you to download and install certain tech support enablement software (“Support Tools”) that allows remote access to your Device. You authorize us to remotely access and take control of your Device using the Support Tools during any interactive sessions. If you do not authorize remote access, do not download the Support Tools. We may use third party Support Tools with additional licensing terms that apply. We will undertake reasonable efforts to remove the Support Tools after each session; however, the Support Tools may leave behind system report(s) and/or activity log file(s). In addition, for subscription services, we will install TechMate software on your Device, which performs tune-ups and other system performance improvements during the term of your subscription. This software will be deactivated upon the expiration of the subscription.

6. Service Limitations – Services may be subject to any of the following limitations; refer to the applicable Product Description Page ("PDP"), your purchase confirmation email and/or offer details for limitations specific to your purchase:

  • Language and geographic limitations;
  • System limitations;
  • Specific terms of the offer.

7. Limited Redemption Period and Refund Rights – Your right to use any of the Services, as well as your rights to obtain a refund for any service not used, vary depending on the type of Service(s) purchased as specified on your purchase confirmation email. Note: Some states and jurisdictions do not allow for the limitation of refund rights as described in this clause so this clause many not apply to you. Furthermore, this clause does not affect any other applicable refund rights.

8. Single Incident Services: Payment and Refunds – Single Incident services (“Single Incident Services”) shall be provided on a per-incident basis. The term “per-incident” means that the service will address a single issue or problem for a customer.   You agree that we may charge to your credit card or other valid payment mechanism requested by you and approved by us all amounts due and owing to us for any Single Incident Service. Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, all payments for the Single Incident Services must be made at the time of purchase prior to receiving the Services from us.  Refunds are only available for paid, standalone purchases of Single Incident Serviceware suite.

  • For PC Tune-Up Incident Services, you are eligible for a refund within thirty (30) days of purchase in the event any of the folowing apply:

1. Purchased the wrong service offering
2. Service was not used
3. Issue could not be resolved
4. Service was not available
5. Duplicate purchase or other error in purchase

  • For Single Incident Services such as VRS, your eligibility for a refund is subject to applicable redemption limitations as set forth on the PDP.   All Single Incident Services have a customer satisfaction 30-day money back guarantee.

No refunds are offered for Services bundled with other software or included in a software suite.

9. For Subscription Services: Automatic Renewal and Cancellation – See "Payment & Support Terms" in the License Agreement

10. Refunds on Subscription Services: Refunds on Subscription Services are permitted as follows subject to any additional limitations set out on the corresponding PDP:

11. Privacy – For information on how we collect, use, and share your personal data through our website, products, services, and web-based mobile applications, please see our Privacy Notice.

12. Disputes: See the License Agreement Provision on Binding Arbirtaration and Class Action WaiverContracting Entities: 

13. Contracting Entities: The Services are offered to you by one of these McAfee legal entities:

  • McAfee, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, with offices located at 2821 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, California 95054, USA, if the Software is downloaded in North America, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean;
  • McAfee Ireland Limited, with offices located at Building 2000 City Gate, Mahon, Cork, Ireland if the Software is downloaded in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific Rim, or Australia; or
  • McAfee Co., Ltd. with offices located at Shibuya Mark City West Building 12-1, Dougenzaka 1-Chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan

14. Limitation of Liability, General Legal Provisions, and Governing Law:  See License Agreement.

15. Entire Agreement. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, nothing in the terms will derogate from any rights you may have under existing consumer protection legislation or other applicable laws in your jurisdiction. The terms, including the License Agreement and Privacy Notice which are incorporated into this Agreement are the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Services and: (i) supersede all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, and representations with respect to its subject matter; and (ii) prevail over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment, or similar communications between the parties, provided however that between any corresponding Product Description Page and this Agreement, the Product Description Page controls. The terms shall terminate immediately upon your breach of any term contained herein and you shall cease use of the Services. The disclaimers of warranties and damages and limitations on liability set forth in the terms shall survive termination.

16. McAfee Contact Information

Customer Service & Technical Support: http://service.mcafee.com

Attn: McAfee Legal Department
5000 Headquarters Drive
Plano, Texas 75024


適用於 McAfee® WebAdvisor (Mozilla) 的隱私權聲明

生效日期:2021 年 12 月 1 日


McAfee, LLC 及其附屬機構 (以下稱「McAfee」、「我們」、「我方」「我們的」) 極為重視隱私權、安全性和線上安全,這些均是我們基本任務中不可或缺的部分;而我們的基本任務是保護我們產品和服務的使用者 (以下稱「您」和「您的」),使其線上資訊和活動免受盜竊、破壞和未經授權存取的風險。 本隱私權聲明 (以下稱「聲明」) 旨在告知您我們如何透過您為 Firefox 瀏覽器下載的 McAfee® WebAdvisor 擴充功能 (以下稱「WebAdvisor」或「服務」) 或在您與我們互動時收集、使用和分享您的個人資料。

當您存取或使用我們的服務時,即表示您確認您已閱讀本聲明並瞭解其內容。 您對我們服務的使用以及與隱私權相關的任何爭議均受本聲明、任何適用的服務條款 (包括任何適用的損害賠償限制和爭議解決) 以及任何適用的「終端使用者授權合約」的約束。

隨著 McAfee 的發展,我們的業務也在發生變更,因此我們可能會在我們認為適當的時候更新本聲明,以反映這些變更。 如果本隱私權聲明有任何重大變更,我們將透過電子郵件、產品內通知或適用法律規定的其他方式通知您。 請務必返回檢查,並確認您已檢閱本聲明的最新版本。

本聲明適用於全球所有的服務使用者。 部分使用者 (包括歐洲經濟區居民) 可能享有本聲明中所述的其他權利,具體視其所在位置而定。


為提供服務,我們需要收集相關資訊。 有些資訊由您直接提供給我們,有些由我們透過服務自動收集。 在本聲明中,「個人資料」係指單獨使用或與其他資料結合使用即可識別您身分的資料。

我們收集您提供給我們的資訊。 如果您選擇填寫表單或問卷調查、請求客戶服務或以其他方式與我們聯絡,我們會收集您的聯絡資訊 (例如姓名、電子郵件地址和電話號碼)。

您也可向我們提供其他資料。 例如,當您使用我們的身分監視服務時,您可選擇提供您的社交媒體登入資訊,以便我們監視您的社交媒體帳戶。



  • 有關您的電腦、裝置、應用程式和網路的詳細資料,包括網際網路通訊協定 (IP) 位址、裝置 ID 以及在您存取網際網路時系統自動指派給您電腦或裝置的其他裝置識別碼、瀏覽器類型和語言、語言偏好設定、硬體類型、作業系統、您在使用服務前後造訪的頁面,在某些情況下,亦包括您造訪的日期和時間,以及透過使用服務採取的其他操作,例如偏好設定。
  • 關於您的網際網路、應用程式或網路使用情況的詳細資料 (包括您造訪過的網頁網址、網域名稱或流量資料),以及效能資訊、當機記錄和其他彙總或統計資訊。

為向您提供我們的服務,包括偵測與評估惡意軟體和垃圾郵件,我們可能會掃描、收集和儲存網址和流量資料,以及從網際網路下載的檔案相關中繼資料 (例如檔案名稱和大小)。


當您安裝或使用我們的服務時,服務會在您的裝置或環境背景中執行,以協助預測威脅並為您、您的裝置和資訊提供更完善的保護。 例如,McAfee 可能出於以下目的使用所收集的資訊:

  • 分析傳送至您裝置或自您裝置傳送的資料,以隔離和識別威脅、漏洞、病毒、可疑活動、垃圾郵件和攻擊,以及告知您存在潛在的威脅;
  • 加入威脅情報網路、展開研究,以及調整產品和服務,以協助應對新的威脅;
  • 檢查服務更新並建立有關我們服務的效能報告,以確保服務正常運作;以及


  • 分析您的行為,以衡量、自訂和改善我們的網站和服務,包括開發新產品和服務;
  • 宣傳我們認為您可能感興趣的 McAfee 產品和服務;
  • 提供客戶支援、排解問題及回應請求、問題和意見;
  • 宣傳特殊活動、計劃、調查、競賽、抽獎及其他優惠和促銷,並管理對這些活動的參與;
  • 進行市場和消費者研究以及趨勢分析;
  • 對在我們的部落格、論壇和其他公開通訊工具中張貼文章提供支援;
  • 預防、偵測、辨識、調查及回應潛在或實際的索賠、責任、禁止的行為和犯罪活動;以及
  • 遵守並強制履行法律權利、要求、合約和政策。


我們會與第三方廣告公司合作,在您造訪我們的網站或使用某些服務時向您展示或投放廣告。 這些第三方廣告商可能會收集您與網站、服務或是其他網站或服務的互動資料,以衡量其廣告的有效性並提供個人化的廣告內容。 請參閱我們的 Cookie 聲明,深入瞭解 McAfee 和這些廣告合作夥伴如何使用 Cookie 等追蹤技術以及可供您選擇的選項。


一般而言,我們會根據法律要求或徵得您的同意後揭露我們收集的資訊,以提供服務、與您通訊、宣傳或推廣我們的服務,以及促進我們業務的變更或轉讓。 我們可能會以下列方式共用個人資訊:

  • 與 McAfee 集團公司的現有和未來成員共用資訊,且僅將資訊用於本聲明中說明的用途;
  • 與為我們履行服務的服務供應商共用資訊 (如果適用法律有所規定,我們可應要求提供消費者產品複委託者清單)
  • 如果我們認為對預防實體、財務或其他傷害、損害或損失實屬必要且適宜 (包括防範詐欺或信用風險),即會共用資訊;
  • 根據當局和適用法律的指示或要求,需與法律、政府或司法機關共用資訊,或涉及法律活動 (如回應可疑的違法或非法活動的傳票或調查,或我們真誠相信使用者可能參與違法或非法活動,或我們受合約或法律約束,需使客戶或業務合作夥伴遵守適用法律) 時需共用資訊;
  • 與收購、合併、資產出售或其他類似業務轉移有關,或在前述事項的談判期間,且該類業務轉移涉及我們所有或絕大部分的資產或功能,而其中個人資料會作為企業資產的一部分進行轉移或共用 (前提是該方同意以與本聲明一致的方式使用或揭露此類個人資料,或徵得您的同意可將此類資料用於其他用途或進行其他揭露) 時即會共用資訊;
  • 徵得您的同意或在您的指示下,如您選擇共用資訊或公開發佈內容和評論 (例如社群媒體貼文) 時即會共用資訊;以及
  • 如果您訂閱的產品允許使用該功能,則根據您自行決定,與您選擇的人員共用資訊。
  • 我們也可能與第三方共用不會識別您身分或任何特定裝置的彙總資料。


我們採用管理、組織、技術和物理安全措施來保護我們收集和處理的個人資料。 我們的安全控制措施旨在維持資料的機密性、完整性和適當的可用性層級。


根據適用法律,您可能有權:(i) 請求確認我們是否正在處理您的個人資料;(ii) 獲得對您個人資料的存取權或個人資料副本;(iii) 接收您的個人資料的可攜式副本,或要求我們將該類資訊傳送給另一個組織 (以下稱「資料可攜權」);(iv) 尋求對不正確、不真實、不完整或不當處理的個人資料進行更正或修正;(v) 限制我們處理您的個人資料;(vi) 反對我們處理您的個人資料;以及 (vii) 在法律規定的某些例外情況下,請求刪除我們保留的關於您的個人資料。

若要行使其中任何一項權利,請造訪我們的「個人資料申請表」(https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-support/policy/legal/gdpr-data-request.html),或透過下述方式與我們聯絡。 我們將依據適用法律處理此類請求。 為了保護您的隱私權,我們可能會先採取相關步驟驗證您的身分,然後再滿足您的請求。 對於某些請求,我們可能會在法律允許的範圍內收取管理費用。 我們將在執行您的請求之前,告知您可能產生的任何相關費用。

McAfee 會將其收集的個人資料存留多長時間?

McAfee 會在本聲明所述目的所需最短期限內保留您的個人資料,即 (i) 只要您是我們產品的註冊訂閱者或使用者;或 (ii) 只要您的個人資料對於本聲明中所述的合法目的而言為必要條件,且我們擁有有效的法律依據;或 (iii) 在與提供服務有關之商業目的的合理必要範圍內,例如內部報表和對帳目的、保證或向您提供您可能請求的意見回應或資訊。 在法律要求的情況下,我們會在您與服務最後一次互動後的三年內刪除您的生物識別資料。


上述期限 (在適用範圍內) 結束後,我們將永久刪除、銷毀相關個人資訊或對其進行去識別化處理,以使其不再與您合理地綁定。


McAfee 的某些產品提供安全功能,可讓家長監測子女的線上活動、實際位置或使用註冊裝置的情況。 WebAdvisor 並不在這些產品之列。 如果您未滿 18 歲,必須取得父母的許可才能存取服務。 McAfee 強烈建議家長告訴子女在未經父母許可的情況下,切勿提供真實姓名、地址或電話號碼。 如果您發現您的子女在未經您同意的情況下向我們提供了個人資料,您可透過以下方式與我們聯絡,告知我們此類情況。 如果我們得知我們收集了 13 歲以下 (在某些司法管轄區為 16 歲以下) 兒童的任何個人資料,我們將立即採取相關措施,刪除此類資訊並終止該兒童的帳戶。

McAfee 總部位於美國 (請查看「聯絡我們」取得我們的詳細地址),而我們在美國和世界各地均擁有營運業務、實體和服務供應商。 因此,我們和我們的服務供應商可能會將您的個人資料傳輸至可能無法與您本國的管轄區提供相同資料保護等級的司法管轄區,或於該類地區儲存或存取您的個人資料。 我們將採取措施,確保您的個人資料在我們處理資料時所處的司法管轄區內獲得充分保護。


若您身處歐洲經濟區 (EEA),則適用以下額外的揭露規定。

如果您購買或下載了任一款 McAfee 消費者產品,McAfee Ireland Limited 便是您個人資料的控管者。


  • 我們需使用您的個人資料來履行我們與您簽訂的合約中所規定的責任 (例如,針對您購買或請求的服務處理付款和提供服務)。
  • 在處理您的個人資料時,我們擁有合法權益。 例如,我們擁有合法權益與您溝通有關服務的變更、通知您有關新服務或產品的資訊,以及處理您的個人資料以提供、保護和改善我們的服務。
  • 您同意我們處理您的個人資料。
  • 我們需要處理您的個人資料以履行我們的法律義務。


您可以使用上文「您對您的個人資料擁有哪些選擇?」中所述的機制提交對個人資料行使相關權利的請求。 若您最初同意我們處理您的個人資料,則可使用這些機制或透過以下聯絡資訊與我們聯絡,以撤銷您的同意。


若您是歐盟/歐洲經濟區資料主體,且擔心我方無法妥善處理您的個人資料,您有權向您居住或工作地點的資料保護機構或涉嫌侵權行為發生地的資料保護機構投訴 (如適用),或聯絡愛爾蘭監管機構提出資料保護問題 (造訪 https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/Home/4.htm,或致電 +353 57 868 4800)。


若您是日本、阿根廷或加拿大居民,並對 McAfee 持有的個人資訊 (包括透過使用我們的產品所收集的個人資訊) 存有疑問,則可使用以下網站提供的「個人資料申請表」請求更多資訊:https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-support/policy/legal/gdpr-data-request.html


您在加州的隱私權利 -《反客戶資訊揭露法》(Shine the Light Law)

未經您的允許,McAfee 不會與非附屬第三方共用可識別您身分的資訊以實現其行銷目的。

《加州消費者隱私權法案》(California Consumer Privacy Act)

若您是加州居民,可以使用「個人資料申請表」(https://www.mcafee.com/en-us/consumer-support/policy/legal/gdpr-data-request.html) 提出申請以行使您對個人資料的相關權利。根據《加州消費者隱私權法案》,McAfee 不會「出售」您的個人資料。


McAfee 不會向非附屬第三方出售可識別您個人身分的資訊。 若您希望我們日後不再出售與您有關的可識別資訊,則可使用以下聯絡資訊提出請求。


我們的網站和服務可能含有指向其他網站的連結,方便您使用或供您參考。 這些網站可能由非 McAfee 附屬公司營運。 所連結的網站可能有其自己的隱私權政策或聲明,如果您要造訪其中任一網站,我們強烈建議您檢閱這些隱私權政策或聲明。 我們對於任何不隸屬於 McAfee 之網站的內容、隱私權做法或使用情況概不負責。


如對本隱私權聲明有任何疑問或有其他相關隱私權問題,按一下此處即可聯絡我們。 您也可以寫信給我們,郵寄資訊如下:

Attn: Legal Department – Privacy Office
6220 America Center Drive San Jose, CA 95002 USA

或來電聯絡我們:+1 (888) 847-8766

Attn: Legal Department
2000 City Gate
T12 RRC9

或致電我們:+353 21 467 2000

McAfee Co. Ltd.
Attn. Legal Department
Shibuya Mark City West,
Dougenzaka 1-12-1,
Tokyo, 150-0043 Japan

Attn: Chief Privacy Officer, copy to the Legal Department – Privacy Office
McAfee Korea Limited
5F. Gangnam Finance Center
152, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Korea 06236

McAfee Trademarks & Logos

The trademarks of McAfee, LLC (“McAfee”), including its name marks, service marks, logos, and brands, are important intellectual property rights and valuable assets. They are the means by which our customers know that they are buying or using a genuine McAfee product or service. McAfee takes protection of its intellectual property rights seriously. You must have permission from McAfee to use a McAfee trademark or logo. If you have any questions, please contact your McAfee representative or send inquiries to the McAfee Legal Department at:

McAfee Trademarks and Brands
McAfee Legal Department
6220 America Center Drive
San Jose, CA 95002
Email MBGeneralLegal@McAfee.com

Trademark Guidelines

You may refer to McAfee's products and services by their associated McAfee trademarks and service marks, but not McAfee’s logos, so long as (a) such references are truthful, fair, and not misleading, and (b) you use only the minimum amount of the trademark as necessary to identify McAfee as the source of the product and service. When making such use of the McAfee trademarks, you must use the appropriate trademark symbol and acknowledgment of McAfee’s ownership of the trademark in question. Additionally, you are specifically prohibited from and MAY NOT:

  • Incorporate McAfee’s trademarks into your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, or company names;
  • Adopt marks or logos that are confusingly similar to McAfee’s marks and logos;
  • Use any McAfee name, mark, or logo in connection with your goods or services in a manner that suggests McAfee is the source of, or otherwise approves of or is connected with, your goods or services, when no such express source, approval, or connection exists; or
  • Make use of McAfee’s logos without a license or written permission from McAfee.

If you are an express LICENSEE of McAfee trademark(s) or logo(s), you have entered into a marketing program agreement, business alliance agreement, or specific permission grant to use a McAfee trademark or logo. The agreement that you signed with McAfee will identify the license terms, including the trademarks available for use and guidelines for such use. If you are such a LICENSEE of a McAfee trademark or logo, your license agreement that you signed with McAfee may have special trademark and logo permissions or usage guidelines different than the guidelines set forth herein. If so, please follow the special permissions or guidelines provided to you pursuant to your written license agreement.

If you are a SUPPLIER of products or services to McAfee, and you have been given permission to use a McAfee trademark or logo, you may only display or use the McAfee trademark or logo in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein as supplemented or modified by your written agreement with McAfee. You may not use a McAfee trademark in a manner that implies endorsement or approval of your products or services by McAfee without specific written permission from McAfee. The goodwill derived from using any part of a McAfee trademark exclusively belongs to and inures to the benefit of McAfee.

Reporting Misuse of McAfee Trademarks

If you learn of any misuse of a McAfee trademark, we’d like to hear about it. Please report any inappropriate trademark use to your McAfee representative or via email to MBGeneralLegal@McAfee.com.

McAfee Trademark Information

The following are trademarks owned by McAfee. This is not an exhaustive list, and if you have questions about a McAfee trademark, please contact the McAfee Legal Department. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.The symbol ® in the following list means that the trademark is registered at least in the United States but not necessarily in every country where McAfee products or services are available.

  • Active Protection
  • GTI™
  • LiveSafe
  • QuickClean
  • Real Protect™
  • Shredder
  • SiteAdvisor®
  • Stinger®
  • Techmaster®
  • True Key®
  • VirusScan®

These guidelines are subject to change without notice.
Last Updated: September 1, 2022

McAfee Website Terms of Service

1. Introduction and Scope

This document is an agreement between You and McAfee, LLC and its subsidiaries (“McAfee,” “our,” “we” or “us”). You acknowledge and agree that by accessing or using this website or other websites or webpages owned and operated by McAfee or its subsidiaries, you have agreed to be bound and abide by these terms of service (“Terms of Service”), our privacy notice (“Privacy Notice”) and any additional terms that apply. These Terms of Service govern your access to and use of McAfee.com and other websites or webpages owned and operated by McAfee or its subsidiaries (the “McAfee Sites”), including any content functionality and services offered on or through the McAfee Sites. If you do not agree to all of these Terms of Service and any additional terms that apply to you, do not use the McAfee Sites.

Please consult McAfee’s website for more information regarding our Privacy Notice, DMCA Copyright Policy, Refund Policy, Terms of Sale, Anti-Piracy Policy, Trademark Guidelines, Virus Protection Pledge and other valuable information (the “Policies”). All of these policies are incorporated into these Terms of Service by reference.

2. Change to the Terms of Service

McAfee may revise these Terms of Service at any time without giving notice. All revisions are effective immediately when posted, and apply to any access to and use of the McAfee Sites thereafter. Your continued use of the McAfee Sites following the posting of changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree to any changes made to these Terms of Service, you may not access or use the McAfee Sites.

3. Accessing the McAfee Sites and Account Security

We reserve the right to withdraw or amend any of the McAfee Sites, and any service or material we provide on the McAfee Sites, at our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the McAfee Sites are unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of the McAfee Sites, or all of the McAfee Sites, to users, including registered users.

You are responsible for:

  • Making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to the McAfee Sites.
  • Ensuring that all persons who access the McAfee Sites through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Service and comply with them.

To access the McAfee Sites or some of the resources they offer, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. It is a condition of your use of the McAfee Sites that all the information you provide on the McAfee Sites is correct, current and complete. You agree that all information you provide to register with the McAfee Sites or otherwise, including but not limited to through the use of any interactive features on the McAfee Sites, is governed by our Privacy Notice, and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information consistent with our Privacy Notice.

If you choose, or are provided with, a user name, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any other person or entity. You also acknowledge that your account is personal to you and agree not to provide any other person with access to the McAfee Sites or portions of them using your user name, password or other security information. You also agree to ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. You should use particular caution when accessing your account from a public or shared computer so that others are not able to view or record your password or other personal information.

You agree that you are entirely responsible for the security of your password and for all aspects of keeping your account secure. Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur on your account. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your user name or password or any other breach of security. We will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge. However, you can be held liable for losses incurred by us or another party due to someone else using your account or password. You may not use anyone else’s account at any time without the permission of the account holder.

We have the right to disable any user name, password or other identifier, whether chosen by you or provided by us, at any time in our sole discretion for any or no reason, including if, in our opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms of Service. Additionally, we reserve the right to determine if you have violated these Terms of Service, and to take any other action we deem appropriate, including termination or suspension of your access to and use of the McAfee Sites.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

All content, features and functionality on the McAfee Sites, including, but not limited to, Marks (defined below), designs, text, graphics, sounds, images, videos, software, and other McAfee Site materials are the intellectual property of McAfee, one of its affiliates, its licensors or other providers of such material, and (i) are protected by United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws, and (ii) except as stated herein, may not be modified, copied, displayed, transmitted, published, reproduced or distributed in any form without our prior written permission. If you wish to make any use of material on the McAfee Sites prohibited by this section, you may request permission by writing to: media@mcafee.com

If you print, copy, modify, download or otherwise use or provide any other person with access to any part of the McAfee Sites in breach of these Terms of Service, your right to use the McAfee Sites will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made. No right, title or interest in or to the McAfee Sites or any content on the McAfee Sites, except for the nonexclusive, limited license expressly granted to you, is transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by McAfee. Any use of the McAfee Sites not expressly permitted by these Terms of Service is a breach of these Terms of Service and may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.

Provided that you comply with these terms, McAfee grants to you a nonexclusive, limited license to access and use the McAfee Sites as a current or potential customer, vendor, or business partner of McAfee or for non-commercial purposes. You may not use the McAfee Sites for any other purpose. We reserve all rights not expressly granted herein.

5. Trademarks and Brands

McAfee, the McAfee logo, and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans (“Marks”) are the exclusive and valuable property of McAfee or its subsidiaries. The Marks can only be reproduced or displayed with our specific prior written permission, and only in accordance with McAfee Trademark Policy and Guidelines available on McAfee's website.

6. Limited Copyright Permission

Subject to the terms of an applicable software or service license or other written agreement, McAfee grants you permission under its copyrights to display, copy, or download materials from the McAfee Sites for personal, non-commercial and informational use only, provided that You DO NOT:

  • Modify the Materials;
  • Remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary notices contained in the Materials;
  • Frame or utilize framing techniques, to display the Materials at a domain not owned by McAfee; or
  • Use any McAfee-owned mark or product name as a meta-tag or other “hidden text” for search engines in a manner that does not inure benefit to McAfee.

7. Translations

Where McAfee has provided a translation of the English-language version of a McAfee Site, these Terms of Service, or other materials, you agree that:

  • The translations are only for your convenience;
  • The English-language version governs your use of the materials provided by McAfee; and
  • The English-language version shall take precedence in the event of a conflict between the English-language version and the translated version (except as prohibited by local law).

8. Errors

The McAfee Sites may contain typographical, technical inaccuracies or other content errors. We do not warrant the accuracy of any information posted on the McAfee Sites. You should use only the current McAfee Sites dedicated to your country or geographic region and also confirm the accuracy and completeness of information through sources other than the McAfee Sites before making decisions relating to products, services or other matters made available through the McAfee Sites. We disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on information posted on the McAfee Sites by you or any other visitor to the McAfee Sites, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.

9. User Contributions 

The McAfee Sites may contain message boards, chat rooms, personal web pages or profiles, forums, bulletin boards and other interactive features (collectively, "Interactive Services") that allow users to post, submit, publish, display or transmit to other users or other persons (hereinafter, "post") content or materials (collectively, "User Contributions") on or through the McAfee Sites.

All User Contributions must comply with the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Service.

Any User Contribution you post to the McAfee Sites will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By providing any User Contribution on the McAfee Sites, you grant us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their and our respective licensees, successors and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose.

You represent and warrant that:

  • You own or control all rights in and to the User Contributions and have the right to grant the license granted above to us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their and our respective licensees, successors and assigns.
  • All of your User Contributions do and will comply with these Terms of Service.

You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any User Contributions you submit or contribute, and you, not McAfee, have full responsibility for such content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy and appropriateness. We are not responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any User Contributions posted by you or any other user of the McAfee Sites.

We reserve the right to:

  • Remove or refuse to post any User Contributions for any or no reason in our sole discretion.
  • Take any action with respect to any User Contribution that we deem necessary or appropriate in our sole discretion, including if we believe that such User Contribution violates these Terms of Service, including the Content Standard, infringes any intellectual property right or other right of an person or entity, threatens the personal safety of users of the McAfee Sites or the public or could create liability for McAfee.
  • Disclose your identity or other information about you to any third party who claims that material posted by you violates their rights, including their intellectual property rights or their right to privacy.
  • Take appropriate legal action, including without limitation, referral to law enforcement, for any illegal or unauthorized use of the McAfee Sites.
  • Terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the McAfee Sites for any or no reason, including without limitation, any violation of these Terms of Service.

Without limiting the foregoing, we have the right to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or other information of anyone posting any materials on or through the McAfee Sites. YOU WAIVE AND HOLD HARMLESS MCAFEE AND ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSEES AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM ANY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM ANY ACTION TAKEN BY MCAFEE OR ANY OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES DURING OR AS A RESULT OF ITS INVESTIGATIONS AND FROM ANY ACTIONS TAKEN AS A CONSEQUENCE OF INVESTIGATIONS BY EITHER MCAFEE OR ANY OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES OR LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES.

We do not undertake to review material before it is posted on the McAfee Sites, and cannot ensure prompt removal of objectionable material after it has been posted. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications or content provided by any user or third party. We have no liability or responsibility to anyone for performance or nonperformance of the activities described in this section. 

10. Content Standards

These content standards apply to any and all User Contributions and use of Interactive Services. User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal, state, local and international laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, User Contributions must not:

  • Contain any material which is defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable.
  • Promote sexually explicit or pornographic material, violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
  • Infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person.
  • Violate the legal rights (including the rights of publicity and privacy) of others or contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with these Terms of Service and our Privacy Notice.
  • Be likely to deceive any person.
  • Promote any illegal activity, or advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act.
  • Cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety or be likely to upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person.
  • Impersonate any person, or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or organization.
  • Involve commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes and other sales promotions, barter or advertising.
  • Give the impression that they emanate from or are endorsed by us or any other person or entity, if this is not the case.

11. User Information; Copyright Infringement

If you elect to submit any information, including any confidential or proprietary information, other than credit card information, through the McAfee Sites, it will be deemed and treated by McAfee as NON-CONFIDENTIAL. Other than credit card information, if you submit any information to McAfee through the McAfee Sites, you hereby grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive license (including a waiver of any moral rights) under your intellectual property rights to use, copy, modify, display, perform and distribute any such submitted information, and to incorporate any submitted information into other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. We are not responsible for the accuracy of content on any area of the McAfee Sites where users may post or transmit information. McAfee’s Privacy Notice outlines the manner in which we (or others acting on our behalf) collect, use and share information about you in connection with your use of the McAfee Sites, and it is your responsibility to review our Privacy Notice prior to agreeing to these Terms of Service.

For any claims that any content on the McAfee Sites, including user submissions, infringe upon any third-party’s intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy, please refer to our DMCA Copyright Policy for the proper notification procedure.

12. Information About You and Your Visits to the McAfee Sites

All information we collect on the McAfee Sites is subject to our Privacy Notice. By using the McAfee Sites, you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the Privacy Notice.

13.  Additional Terms

The McAfee products and services offered on the McAfee Sites may be subject to additional terms and conditions. Additional licensing terms and conditions apply for software you download from the McAfee Sites (including software that is required for use of certain McAfee services), which are disclosed in an End-User License Agreement (“EULA”) that accompanies or is included with such software. Use of the software is governed by the terms of the EULA. Any software that is made available for download from the McAfee Sites or for which a fee is charged is the copyrighted work of McAfee or its suppliers. If you purchase McAfee products or services, you will be unable to install any software that is accompanied by or includes a EULA, unless you agree to the terms and conditions of such EULA.  Any reproduction or redistribution of the software not in accordance with the EULA is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible. Unless indicated otherwise, if there is a conflict between these Terms of Service and the additional terms, the additional terms will govern.

14. Third-Party Content and Links

The McAfee Sites may display content provided by third parties and links to third-party web pages, including advertisements and solicitations to purchase their products or services. You acknowledge that we are not responsible for the third-party content. You also agree that we ARE NOT responsible or liable for any losses or damages you experience with any third-party content upon which you chose to rely or advertisements to which you respond, and that you must contact the third party directly for any remedies that may be available to you. We are not responsible for any transactions you may enter into with third parties, regardless of whether you discovered them or linked to them from the McAfee Sites. If you access a non-McAfee-owned or controlled website, even if it displays one of our Marks, it is independent from McAfee and we do not have any control of the content on that website. We also are not responsible or liable to you or any third party, for any inaccuracies or other issues with the content of any materials provided by any third parties.

15.  Linking to the Website and Social Media Features

You may link to the McAfee Sites, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part without our express written consent.

The McAfee Sites may provide certain social media features that enable you to:

  • Link from your own or certain third-party websites to certain content on the McAfee Sites.
  • Send e-mails or other communications with certain content, or links to certain content, on the McAfee Sites.
  • Cause limited portions of content on the McAfee Sites to be displayed or appear to be displayed on your own or certain third-party websites.

You may use these features solely as they are provided by us and solely with respect to the content they are displayed with and otherwise in accordance with any additional terms and conditions we provide with respect to such features. Subject to the foregoing, you must not:

  • Establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.
  • Cause the McAfee Sites or portions of them to be displayed, or appear to be displayed by, for example, framing, deep linking or in-line linking, on any other site.
  • Link to any part of the McAfee Sites other than the homepage of one of those sites.
  • Otherwise take any action with respect to the materials on the McAfee Sites that is inconsistent with any other provision of these Terms of Service.

The website from which you are linking, or on which you make certain content accessible, must comply in all respects with the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Service.

You agree to cooperate with us in causing any unauthorized framing or linking immediately to cease. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

We may disable all or any social media features and any links at any time without notice in our discretion.

16. Domain-Specific Terms

Additional terms that apply to certain domains owned by McAfee are described below. Please note that specific pages on those domains may have additional terms that are not described here.  

  • SiteAdvisor.com: SiteAdvisor is a software program and website that provides users with an opinion to guide users about certain risks that may be associated with a website. The SiteAdvisor software displays color-coded symbols next to links provided by major search engines, and the SiteAdvisor.com site has dossier pages to provide information on the factors that affect the site rating. The SiteAdvisor site ratings are primarily derived using automated methods; the software cannot detect or examine every possible aspect of website design, nor can it determine the intent of the site owner. McAfee does not control or assume responsibility for the content of the third-party sites, and some of the third-party sites may have content that you find objectionable, inappropriate, or offensive. THE SITEADVISOR SITE RATINGS ARE NOT A GUARANTEE OF ANY PARTICULAR SITE’S SPECIFIC PRACTICES OR TRUSTWORTHINESS, AND IN NO CASE DO THE SITEADVISOR SITE RATINGS REPRESENT AN ENDORSEMENT BY MCAFEE OF THE SITE’S CONTENT, GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER, OVERALL QUALITY, OR USEFULNESS.  
  • McAfeeSECURE.com: The McAfee SECURE service is a paid service for website owners that examines their websites for potential vulnerabilities on a daily basis, and, if no issues are found, enables the site to display a McAfee SECURE trustmark. The McAfeeSECURE.com domain has additional specific terms governing the McAfee SECURE service at this link: https://www.mcafeesecure.com/terms.

17. Regional Product Availability

The McAfee Sites may contain references to McAfee products and services that are not available in your country or region. McAfee may not intend to announce or make available such products and services in your geographical region. For the most accurate product and service availability, please use your country- or region-specific McAfee website.

18. Export Control Laws

Any software downloaded from the McAfee Sites is subject to applicable export laws and regulations. The export or reexport of software in violation of export control laws and regulations is strictly prohibited. By downloading, purchasing or using any software from the McAfee Sites, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this notice and agree to comply with all applicable export laws and regulations.





21. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless McAfee, its affiliates, licensors and service providers, and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors and assigns from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses or fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to your violation of these Terms of Service or your use of the McAfee Sites, including, but not limited to, your User Contributions, any use of the McAfee Sites’ content, services and products other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Service or your use of any information obtained from the McAfee sites.

22. Limitation on Time to File Claims


23. Governing Law

These Terms of Service and all claims related to them, their execution, or the performance of the parties under them, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions or your actual state or country of residence, and shall not be governed by the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the Brussels or Lugano Conventions, or the Rome or Rome 1 Conventions.

24. Waiver and Severability

No waiver by McAfee of any term or condition set forth in these Terms of Service shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of McAfee to assert a right or provision under these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

If any provision of these Terms of Service is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of these Terms of Service will continue in full force and effect.

25. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Service, our Privacy Notice and other Policies incorporated by reference constitute the sole and entire agreement between you and McAfee with respect to the McAfee Sites and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the McAfee Sites.

26. Force Majeure

Under no circumstances shall McAfee, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or licensors be held liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces, or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, Internet failures, computer equipment failures, telecommunication equipment failures, other equipment failures, loss of data, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, non-performance of third parties, or loss of or fluctuations in heat, light, or air-conditioning.

27. Comments and Concerns

The McAfee Sites are operated by McAfee, LLC.

All notices of copyright infringement claims should be sent to the copyright agent designated in our Copyright Policy in the manner and by the means set forth therein.

All other feedback, comments, requests for technical support and other communications relating to the McAfee Sites should be directed to: media@mcafee.com

LAST UPDATED: June 23, 2021

McAfee Virus Protection Pledge

What is McAfee Virus Protection Pledge?

From the moment you subscribe, we’re here to help keep your devices virus-free with our multi-layered protection. We want you to know that you can browse, bank and shop online safely with the knowledge that you have one of the best security services in the world protecting your digital life.

The Virus Protection Pledge provides you with the confidence that in the event a supported device gets a virus, a McAfee expert will remove it. If we can’t, we will offer a refund.

Our Virus Protection Pledge (VPP) is subject to and governed by the Virus Protection Pledge Terms & Conditions and the McAfee License Agreement.

To qualify for VPP and its virus removal and refund features, you must be enrolled in our auto-renewal service and meet the requirements set forth in the Full Terms. Below is a summary of the key terms:

  1. VPP is only valid for qualifying products, supported devices and specified languages and countries, as set out in our System Requirements.
  2. Your subscription must be actively enrolled in automatic renewal (turned on) and your account must have a valid credit card, debit card, or other payment mechanism on file. If you opt out of auto-renewal, you will not be entitled to VPP and its free virus removal service and refund features.
  3. To be eligible for the VPP virus removal service and qualify for a refund in the event we cannot remove a virus, you must have a McAfee anti-virus product installed and active on the qualifying device prior to the infection of the virus.
  4. Standalone services and products which do not include AV Protection, such as McAfee WebAdvisor or McAfee True Key, are not covered. Additionally, this Pledge does not apply to small business or enterprise products and services.
  5. A high speed internet connection is required to perform the virus removal service.
  6. Eligibility ends when your paid subscription ends.
  7. You must purchase, renew, or upgrade your subscription directly from McAfee.com; or if you have purchased the subscription from a retailer, valid, current proof of purchase is required. Our refund will be a full refund of the actual price paid for the current subscription term.
  8. Applicable law or regulation(s) of the country in which you reside may limit or alter the availability or scope of the Pledge.


Virus Protection Pledge – Terms & Conditions

If we are unable to remove a virus or other malware from your Qualifying Device protected by our Anti-Virus Software, you are entitled to obtain a refund (the “Pledge”) as described in these Virus Protection Pledge Terms & Conditions (these “Pledge Terms”). These Pledge Terms are subject to and governed by the McAfee License Agreement available on our website which is hereby incorporated by reference. All refunds are expressly conditioned upon your agreement to the McAfee License Agreement and these Pledge Terms.

  1. Refund Eligibility
    In order to be eligible for a refund, you must meet the following conditions:
    1. The Pledge only applies to qualifying device(s) that meet the System Requirements specified in the McAfee License Agreement (each a “Qualifying Device”). Additionally, a high speed internet connection is required.
    2. You must have a McAfee anti-virus product installed and active on the qualifying device which is covered by the Pledge (“Anti-Virus Software”) prior to the infection of the virus. The Anti-Virus Software covered by the Pledge are listed in the System Requirements. The Pledge does not apply to standalone services and products which do not include virus protection, such as: McAfee WebAdvisor, McAfee True Key, McAfee Battery Optimizer, TechMaster PC-Tune Up, McAfee Mobile Security for iPhone and iPad, and McAfee Mobile Security for Android.
    3. Only paid, active subscriptions to Anti-Virus Software are eligible for a refund under the Pledge. Your eligibility for a refund under the Pledge expires upon expiration or termination of the subscription to the Anti-Virus Software.
    4. The Pledge is only valid in the languages and countries we support, as set out in the Virus Protection Pledge entry in the System Requirements. As of the Date Last Updated, this includes: English, in Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom & United States.
    5. The Pledge does not apply to trial subscriptions or free software.
    6. You must purchase, renew, or upgrade your subscription directly from McAfee.com; or if you have purchased the subscription from a retailer, valid, current proof of purchase is required.
    7. Your subscription to Anti-Virus Software must be actively enrolled in automatic renewal. Your account must have a valid credit card, debit card, or other payment mechanism on file with us, and your automatic renewal settings must be turned on. If you opt out of autorenewal, you will not be entitled to the virus removal service or entitled to receive a refund.
    8. Applicable law or regulation(s) of the country in which the Qualifying Device is located may limit or alter the availability or scope of the Pledge.
  2. Exclusions

    McAfee is not responsible for, and the refund DOES NOT apply to any loss or damage(s) incurred as a result of viruses. This Pledge applies solely to McAfee’s efforts to remove viruses from a Qualifying Device running Anti-Virus Software. It does not apply to other attacks, security breaches, threats, or damages resulting therefrom. For example, the Pledge will not cover losses or damage resulting from malware or viruses that (i) delete or destroy your data; (ii) modify your files; or (iii) encrypt files on your drive (such as ransomware that uses asymmetric encryption). The only way for you to protect yourself from these types of attacks is frequent back-ups of your data to another device or location. Additionally, this Pledge does not apply to small business or enterprise products and services.

  3. Services

    McAfee shall provide the virus removal services as set forth in the Virus Removal Service Terms of Service which is hereby incorporated by reference.

  4. Refund

    Annual or Monthly Anti-Virus Software Subscriptions. If you purchased an annual or monthly subscription to Anti-Virus Software, our refund will be a full refund of the actual price paid for the specific Anti-Virus Software subscription in the current subscription term (monthly or annual as purchased).

    Multi-Year Anti-Virus Software Subscriptions. If you purchased a multi-year subscription to Anti-Virus Software for a lump sum price, our refund will be a refund of the actual price paid for the specific Anti-Virus Software subscription.

    Bundled Subscriptions. If you purchased the subscription to Anti-Virus Software as part of a bundle of products/services, your refund will be the price of the Anti-Virus Software as posted on our website, not to exceed the total price paid for that bundle.

    For all subscription types, any savings, rebates, refunds, shipping, handling, and taxes are not refundable, except in states or jurisdictions where shipping and taxes are refundable.

  5. Redemption and requesting a Refund

    The process you must follow to redeem the pledge and request a refund is available here.

  6. Disclaimer

    While McAfee will make commercially reasonable efforts to remove a virus from your Qualifying Device running Anti-Virus Software, you understand and agree it is possible that a virus may not be removable, and McAfee does not guarantee that it will remove all viruses from your device(s). To the extent permitted by applicable law, McAfee will have no liability for loss of or recovery of data, service, or loss of use of systems(s) or networks arising out of the Pledge or any act or omission, including negligence, by McAfee and/or its representatives. To the extent permitted by applicable law, McAfee reserves the right to refuse, suspend or terminate the Pledge in its sole discretion. The Pledge is not transferable.

  7. Questions

    If you have any questions, comments or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at: Support.

LAST UPDATED: August 2, 2016.

Redemption and Refund Process for Virus Protection Pledge

1. Confirm your McAfee Virus Protection Pledge eligibility:

  1. Sign in to My Account
  2. Click on the tab of the device you think might be infected
  3. Select Installed McAfee Apps
  4. Look for “Virus Protection Pledge”

Don’t see anything? Your subscription doesn’t offer our Virus Protection Pledge

2. If you believe your device is infected, please perform a full system scan

  1. Start your McAfee product.
  2. Click on the section of the screen labeled “Updates” to run a check for new program and virus definitions.
  3. Click “Scan your PC”. When the new “Scan your PC” section of the program window loads, click “Run a full scan.”
  4. After running the full scan, if you believe your computer is still infected, click here to download and run McAfee Malware Cleaner.

3. After running the full scan, if you believe your computer is still infected, please contact  McAfee Support. Once we have determined your device has an infection, our agent will remove the identified malware from your computer. If our agent determines they cannot remove the malware from your machine, you will receive a refund (in accordance with the VPP Terms & Conditions) by:

  1. Reversing the original credit card transaction, if McAfee processed the original payment transaction within the last six months;
  2. Mailing a check or visa gift card for the amount you paid for the product, if the original payment transaction occurred through a 3rd party, or the payment was processed by McAfee more than 6 months prior.